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  1. Vladka

    Does this look like parasite poop?

    I have a 90 gallon, it’s been set up for 3-6 years (moved everything and filters into a new 90 3 years in due to a leak) and its stocked pretty at capacity. My angelfish in particular seem to have white stringy poop sometimes. Should I be worried about parasites? What’s the best way to treat...
  2. Vladka

    How many amano shrimp

    All I can add here is that I had a 20 gallon with 100 rcs and then I added 1 betta.... within a month and a half I had 0 rcs left. They don’t fit in his mouth but he can tear them apart alive then eat them.
  3. Vladka

    Returning Newbie

    It’s possible that they’re both amazon swords, there’s a few different species. Look up pictures of Anubius and see if the base of the plant looks similar to yours. I second that both Anubius and java fern need to be attached to driftwood or rocks rather than planted. I personally use those ties...
  4. Vladka

    How did this worm get into my quarantine tank and how do I kill them?

    I thought earthworms can’t survive under water? Are they bad for aquariums? They seem much thinner than a typical earthworm.
  5. Vladka

    How did this worm get into my quarantine tank and how do I kill them?

    So I have a 10 gallon quarantine/med tank and it’s been empty for about 1-2 months now. I will put a piece of fish food in there every week or two to keep it cycled, otherwise there’s a handful of rams horn snails chilling in there. I was looking in it and saw a worm! How did this get in...
  6. Vladka

    Angelfish bloated, possibly constipated?

    Dosed kanaplex today. I also took another look at his gills and now they do look a little red. Somebody mentioned that it could be iridovirus, which is common in gouramis but others can get it too. Does anyone have experience with it? Today I found him pressed against the heater and some of...
  7. Vladka

    Angelfish bloated, possibly constipated?

    The gills don’t appear to be an abnormal color, but they do look like they’re bulging a little, just because the area under them is puffy now. I don’t have an hob filter, there are 2 sponge filters with air pumps attached instead.
  8. Vladka

    Angelfish bloated, possibly constipated?

    So my guy really isn’t doing so well... a day or two before I added the Epsom salts he started gasping at the surface more, but not as extreme as I’ve seen other fish do in the past. So after the water change and adding the salts he continued this behavior. I’ve also been doing metroplex into...
  9. Vladka

    Angelfish bloated, possibly constipated?

    Thank you. I will add salt today with a water change. I didn’t know about the de chlorinating and dissolving step prior to adding it to the tank! I always just throw it in there but this would make more sense. Previously the ES helped heal his side wound. I’ve tried using kanaplex and metroplex...
  10. Vladka

    Angelfish bloated, possibly constipated?

    Actually that’s what I did try, Epsom salts and not regular salt. Didn’t think about it long enough to realize it wasn’t aquarium salt! I’m always open for more details if you have the time! But that’s what I was thinking, of f it can help with constipation then maybe it can at least relief...
  11. Vladka

    What is wrong with my Odessa barb? Bonus: and gourami

    My worry is the change in behavior rather than the behavior itself. The barb didn’t used to act like that, he was a normal guy before. I’m worried about parasites since he does seem to have a caved in abdomen and a buldging head. Here’s a picture of my “normal” looking Odessa barbs next to the...
  12. Vladka

    What is wrong with my Odessa barb? Bonus: and gourami

    Hi there, I have a great school of Odessa barbs, and one of them has become a little odd. It’s disfigured now and has started schooling with the pearl Gouramis instead. Still eats happily but behaves strange, nibbles on my arm when I stick it in the tank and isn’t shy at all, more outgoing than...
  13. Vladka

    Angelfish bloated, possibly constipated?

    My angelfish has been bloated for about 2-3 months now... it’s been about 5-6 weeks in quarantine and nothing seems to be working. Any advice? What I’ve tried: Peas 4 tbs salt (I read max is 6) Metroplex and kanaplex Prazipro Paragaurd Not feeding for a few days Soaking food first Large water...
  14. Vladka

    Rummynose tetras became shy?

    Hi, This is possible. But they were distinctly okay with the angelfish before, and with opaline Gouramis. I now have pearl Gouramis instead and added the rams. I wouldn’t think the rams are an issue since a couple of them made their territory near the tetras and they still hang out there, plus...
  15. Vladka

    Rummynose tetras became shy?

    Okay, here’s a video I made, they’re a little active in the beginning because I just fed them, and then it is a good example of how they usually are about halfway through where they just sit in the corner most of the time and occasionally come out to the middle and then run back to the corner...
  16. Vladka

    Rummynose tetras became shy?

    It’s been a few months already and they’re not used to it if that’s the problem. I’ll try and post a video of my tank in action, but I don’t think there’s any real bullying going on, if anyone I’d guess the gouramis, because all the others will occasionally hang out in the corner with them and...
  17. Vladka

    Heating 180 gal?

    I don’t personally have experience in this area... but, correct me if I’m wrong, thatKing of DIY guy on YouTube loves his stingrays and he seems to like using regular submersible lower wattage heaters and putting them in his sump filters to more efficiently heat the tank. Seems to work well. I...
  18. Vladka

    Rummynose tetras became shy?

    Okay, so I turned off just the light in the back and they did start to swim back and forth more, but not so much up, but maybe they would take more time. They don’t seem to come out more when the light is dim or not as intense, only when it is off, and the front light doesn’t bother them. When...
  19. Vladka

    Rummynose tetras became shy?

    How long would it reasonably take for them to get used to the brighter lights? Would it be worth testing the theory out by turning one of theM off for a week? I’ve had angels in there for many years, but one of them is new so it’s possible something changed there, I have a feeling I have 2...
  20. Vladka

    Rummynose tetras became shy?

    I was fascinated and in love when I first got my rummynose tetras, they were super active and really brought my tank to life! They encouraged all my other fish to come out and it was great. Now, they’re always hiding in a corner! It’s been a few months like this now... the only thing I can think...
  21. Vladka

    Stocking advice for a 90 gallon

    I know it’s been a long time, but I finally got my TDS tested! In my 90 gallon it is 482 ppm. Tap water is 433 ppm. My high tech planted RO water tank was 164, and my other 2 smaller tanks were at 607 & 664 (maybe that’s why those shrimp aren’t breeding!)
  22. Vladka

    Angelfish has some missing skin around head

    I did buy some powder that could be added to the tank or you could soak food in and I did the food thing a few times. I know it treats fungus and I think bacteria. I’m out of town right now but will check what it’s called when I get back. I think it was seachem or API (It is konaplex by...
  23. Vladka

    Angelfish has some missing skin around head

    Would it be worth trying to treat with furan-2 at this point or is it too late for him?
  24. Vladka

    Angelfish has some missing skin around head

    so I’ve been dozing daily and he still seems to be doing unwell. I have removed the other angel and am onto the second pack of erythromycin I have. Is there anything else I can do for him? His vision is poor as his eyes are covered in a cloudy partial film and his fin is still missing.
  25. Vladka

    Angelfish has some missing skin around head

    Here’s what the fin looks like right now. Meaty and the fun part isn’t there. Can that grow back? He swims a little funny sometimes.
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