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  1. R

    Plant fertilizer

    Is there a cheap easy way to make my own fertilizer
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    Can someone please tell me what I can make plant food with at home

    Lol to late shops not open but I'd like to feed the plants I just started a planted Aquarium tonight
  3. R

    Why fancy goldfish require big tanks- visual perspective

    Anything bigger that's not too aggressive can live with goldfish like pleco or a featherfin squeaker
  4. R

    Fish Photography

    Fish are insane especially small fast ones to get decent pictures of I literally took almost a hundred to get this the second one is how it looked for the rest of the pics good luck both are pictures from the same phone which really doesn't take good pictures in the first place moto x play
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    Bump on Clown's Mouth

    In no way am I saying this is the same but I had a jaguar cichlid(freshwater) and she had a wart under her chin so it could be a wart but I have no clue
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    Need advice

    Thanks would it make a difference if it's a female Betta are they as aggressive as the males usually? @TMaier
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    Need advice

    This is my tank setup
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    Need advice

    Also I have a fluval 303 canister filter plus two 75 gallon whisper filters on My tank is this too much filter is there even such thing as having too much filtration
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    Need advice

    Think I could put a Betta in my tank it's 55g and all I have in it is 2 angelfish(only small), 6 platies(3 mickeymouse,3 Sunburst wag), 3 black skirt tetras(haven't nipped any fins of any of my fish)
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