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  1. B

    Cyanobacteria: Newbie Fail

    I've been known to do that :oops: I'm not planning on keeping fish in there. Just a shrimp colony and the nerite. Its only 12x12x9 so there's not really enough swim space to support a nano school. I'll definitely decrease the light duration then. I'm considering a rescape in the next couple...
  2. B

    Filter sponge getting dirty v quickly

    How many sinking pellets do you feed him? And how big are they? Also, what are your water parameters like? Goldfish are prolific poopers. 10 gallons is about the minimum size tank to keep a ranchu in, which means that you'll need to be careful that you're doing minimum weekly water changes...
  3. B

    Cyanobacteria: Newbie Fail

    I'll preface by saying my tank is a 5 gallon tank about 2 months new. It's been populated by a few ghost shrimp and a nerite snail. I'll also add that I am incredibly new to this, and don't yet have have a lot of the experience, money, or consistency required for this hobby. You'll see all of...
  4. B

    Nitrate supplementation between tanks?

    We might have a different definition of expensive haha. Its running off a desk lamp, plants are extras from cuttings/tissue cultures my friend had for his tank (barring the crystalwort and hairgrass). My plants are a touch more high maintenance than wisteria or similar, but not too bad. I saved...
  5. B

    Hello folks!

    Thank you �� super excited!
  6. B

    Nitrate supplementation between tanks?

    I hadn't thought about it from an infection standpoint, I guess that's definitely something to consider. I have some fertilizer coming in the mail, I'm just being impatient ? a valsinera in my other tank is showing signs of potassium deficiency so I got some root tabs that ill throw in my 5...
  7. B

    Hello folks!

    I have been keeping lame fish tanks for years and finally got tired of the plastic plants and sick buddies. I accidentally stumbled upon an article about cycling a tank about a year ago, and I have never stopped reading. I'm into freshwater exclusively (sorry marine folks, I have absolutely no...
  8. B

    Nitrate supplementation between tanks?

    Hello! New community member here. I lurk on these threads a lot and made a profile specifically for this question. Please be patient, I studied art in school and haven't taken a science class in years, so if my thought process is off please let me know! Relevant info: I have two tanks at home...
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