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  1. C

    Gh kh and ph of water

    Okay. Yeah, May need to get a few more 5 gallon buckets. Thank you.
  2. C

    Gh kh and ph of water

    Just put water in 5 gallon bucket and put ph buffer in it along with aerator to move the water? Do this for 24 hours? Keep adding ph buffer to bucket until water is at 7.0 and then take 25% of water out of aquarium and put the whole bucket in or just 25% in aquarium?
  3. C

    Gh kh and ph of water

    Okay. May get some of that. I did test water again and gh went up from 2 to 3. Yeah, ph, I actually need to go down some but will wait on it. It was at 8 still and kh at 6 too. 0 ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Been 0 across the board for 3 weeks in 28 gallon tank with 12 fish.
  4. C

    Gh kh and ph of water

    I have just all tetras(neons and black skirt). Will add Julii Cory catfish soon.
  5. C

    Gh kh and ph of water

    Hello. I need help on getting my gh up. My ph is 8.0 and kh is 6 and gh is a 2. My ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate are 0. I bought some sl-aqua black more gh conditioner. GH didn’t go up after using it one time. How often do I need to use it to make gh go up or should I use something else? Thank...
  6. C

    Aquarium lights

    Will look for plastic leaves. They do see the pellets when their light is off. I have 6 of them and I know at least 3 will hit top of the water. Their fins look black too when it is dark. When lights come on they lighten up a lot. I have some neon tetras and noticed one getting food from the top...
  7. C

    Aquarium lights

    I will try this. I don’t have real plants in tank so I usually just turn tank light on to watch them feed and swim around. The light may be on for a hour a day. I was also looking at the hygger full spectrum light where I can set it at lowest brightness and have a timer on it but mainly like it...
  8. C

    Aquarium lights

    Hello. I currently have a 28 gallon tank with an aqueon t8 fluorescent light. It is too bright for my black skirt tetras. Anytime I turn them on they will hide behind my plants but once the light goes out they will come on out and swim. So, in order to see them eat I have to have the aquarium...
  9. C

    Buying more fish

    I not on Facebook but May get back on it to find local breeders or club. Maybe fish or tanks too. My plan is to get a 75 gallon or 100 gallon and get an Oscar or 2. Maybe an Oscar and 2 fish of another kind. I going to look up those companies and see what they have. Thank ya.
  10. C

    Buying more fish

    I had them for 2 weeks. Got them and the black fin tetras from petco. The 2 black fin textras I bought yesterday are from a local private owned family store. That fellow said his are healthy but I still put them in the 5 gallon for quarantine. The 28 gallon aquarium is only 4 days old May be why...
  11. C

    Buying more fish

    I just had a guppy die. Now I have only 1. The thing is that they just stay at top of water the whole time. I have the filter going on low to try not to make movement of water flow too much and I have an air pump in there hooked up to a seashell that opens up; but the bubbles that come up aren’t...
  12. C

    Buying more fish

    So far my black skirt tetras haven’t messed with the 2 guppies. Only bad ones I have seen are the guppies. Lol. When they were in the 5 gallon tank one of them would chase the other around but since they been moved to the 28 gallon tank they haven’t done this. I 2 black skirt tetras are...
  13. C

    Buying more fish

    I will try calling water place to see if they have the information. Thank you
  14. C

    Buying more fish

    Yeah, I been using aquadvisor. I like it.
  15. C

    Buying more fish

    I was actually looking at the Bolivian ram first and kept researching and saw the German ram, which looks prettier to me, but if need be I would go with Bolivian ram. Would apistgamma work good too or Bolivian ram be better? I know it will b a good good while before getting one. Looks like it...
  16. C

    Buying more fish

    Okay. I trying not to over populate because I want my centerpiece fish be the German blue ram. I was looking and if I put 5 or 6 tetras in there I won’t be able to put a German blue ram in it. I will be too high on fish stock for the tank. My wife wants cardinal tetras too. Would 3 black fin...
  17. C

    Buying more fish

    I forgot to mention that I have been using seachem prime and seachem stability for the 5 gallon tank while the fish were in there and only used the stability in the big tank trying to get the good bacteria at same playing field as ammonia when it starts. Thank you for your help. So, would it be...
  18. C

    Buying more fish

    Hello. I am new to having fish. Before I knew anything we bought a 5 gallon aquarium and got 2 male guppies and 2(male we believe) black skirt tetras. Well, we updated to a 28 gallon tank. In the 28 gallon tank and the 5 gallon tank we got a cycled filter from a store and put it in the tanks...
  19. C


    I just got my aquarium(5 gallon) and now getting a 29 gallon aquarium. Need help.
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