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  1. J

    Need advice on saltwater fish/tank

    Reef tanks are more expensive to keep and the lighting will be most likely your biggest cost. You can do a tank that large with a canister filter but you will probably want to get a hang on the back refugium . Do your research and please ready up on cycling your tank. Don't put anything in...
  2. J

    Algae Plagued Tank - Help

    What type of algae will depend on the plan of attack. Water changes and reduce lighting will help weaken it but you need to figure out what you are battling.
  3. J

    Who is best high end installer of custom tanks in Charlotte?

    I assume you are at Charlotte NC I know Nemos does installation and I believe Aquatica does too.
  4. J

    Aiptasia- how to get rid?

    My friend uses boiling water in a turkey baster to get his, I use wand and aiptasia x to get mine. We seem to have 2 different kinds and no one method seems to work best. He tried to use a lighter on some of them but that didn't completely work and I have had reasonable luck with...
  5. J

    A complete noob to the salty side.

    BTW a 15 gallon is the same footprint as a 10 gallon. That is 5 gallons more swim space for your clown. A clown doesn't need an anemone.
  6. J

    20 gallon stocking?

    Get the clowns then wait until you upgrade to get any more fish. Anyone that hasn't upgraded to a larger tank must not have room, got a large tank to begin withor didn't get off on the right foot. I am thinking of upgrading again well actually combining 3 of my tanks into one, I am just...
  7. J

    Crab exo-skeleton found. Any ideas?

    I would say he is a bad guy because of the black tips on the claws. You need to do a little spying at night to figure out where he is then set up a trap for him.
  8. J

    Testing to have Coral

    Tube lights can mean several things T8, T5 or compact florescent. Depending how many tubes and what kind of lights you have will make a difference on the type of corals you can keep.
  9. J

    Roots coming from coral???

    LPS most do sting and use chemical warfare for real estate. I have had an acan attack leather and nearly kill, I thought they were far enough apart. The leather recovered but it took about 4 months before it looked decent again.
  10. J

    Nice Damsels?

    I have a blue damsel in with my lemon peel and the damsel is always getting beaten up. It will depend on the fish actually. My friend had a Sargent major that was in a tank and never bothered anyone a tomato clown. and a foxface. What are your stocking plans and why are you wanting a damsel?
  11. J

    Roots coming from coral???

    Those look like feeder tentacles to me.
  12. J

    Dont Laugh! I can Possibly maybe almost could probably make an attempt a SW!

    It helps to decide what fish you want then decide on the size of tank. Do you want a reef tank with corals or just a tank with sand and rock? Read as much as you can before deciding what you want then start saving, it is better to buy something once than buying to 2 or 3 times to upgrade what...
  13. J

    Pajama Cardinal questions?

    The clowns once they get a little older you might have a territory problem. Your might get away with a lawnmower blenny but mine hates my clown fish it is a personal problem he has with the clown. IMO you are already set with the fish you have. Do you have a quarantine tank?
  14. J

    damsel question

    A 10 gallon tank with 2 fish aggressive fish? IMO no. One will stress out the other one or both will end up dead. Have you thought about a pistol shrimp and goby?
  15. J

    got a new fish its a sergeant major damsel and it had no ich when I got it.

    How bad is the ich? Do you plan on adding any other fish to the tank? When you keep your tank fishless make sure you at least feed the tank once a week to keep the bacteria fed. I kept a tank fishless for 6 months until I got around to figuring out what kind of fish I wanted. Feeding garlic...
  16. J

    lawnmower blenny

    I feed my tank a small amount of algae based food every day. My lawnmower will eat anything and everything which probably isn't the best diet for a long life. Mine won't touch an algae sheet to save its life even if I break a little piece off and throw it in the tank he will avoid that as well.
  17. J

    High nitrite,nitrate

    I found out while comparing testing methods with a friend he was always getting nitrate readings a lot higher than I did. I don't know why since the tubes were rinsed out well and it seemed like we were both doing the same thing including using the same test kit. It might have been the way he...
  18. J

    Bio cube stocking

    IMO 2 clowns will be stressed out unless they are already a pair and don't get divorced. Remember clowns are very messy eaters so the bio load would be heavier than it would be with 2 fish the same size. Clowns do fight and the male will need to be able to get away from the female.
  19. J

    Worm...friend or foe?

    Here is a good link maybe this will help id it Worm Hitch Hikers
  20. J

    Mantis shrimp

    There are people that are always looking for mantis shrimp in my area to do a specialized tank for. They are really neat little guys once they get to know who feeds them food and will also recognize strangers.
  21. J

    Sick Sleeper Goby

    How big is your tank? It sounds like it isn't getting enough to eat, they are sand sifters so feeding them like you do other fish doesn't really work, the food has to get to the sand so it can eat it unless you are lucky and it eats from the water column. Can you see anything stuck in his mouth?
  22. J

    What is this?

    It looks like a tube worm or a vermetid snail. Chuck's Addiction look under hitchhikers you might get idea what it is for sure.
  23. J

    New stuff

    Those are all hitchhikers. The worm is probably a bristle worm. I like mine I have one that I am not for sure how big he is but at least 10 inches but is longer I only have seen one end lol. I am aware that he is in my tank so when I go messing around I am careful because those bristles do...
  24. J

    Easy corals

    What kind of lights and flow do you have in your tank? Things like kenya tree, blue cloves, green star polyps, waving hand and xenia can take over a tank quickly so if you get any of those as starter corals make sure you love them and don't plan to get rid of them.
  25. J

    Dirty tank problem...

    Looks like diatoms once your tank is established they will go away on their own. I don't know what the green algae on the glass is maybe this will help id it | Clean Up Crews and Macro Algae - Nuisance Algae ID Guide
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