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  1. Members FW Tanks

    Members FW Tanks

    Full tank pics here
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    T 5 HO lights questins

    I run my carbon dioxide 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and I maintain about 40 to 50 ppm. dKh in my tank is 3, it's a 55 gallon hi tech. in my fixture I run 2 54w 6700k, one blue and one purple (54w each). Both are marine bulbs. I have not had any issues with growth or algae. Imho, its all...
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    Wanted: Java moss

    Pm sent.
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    Skipping Nitrites?

    Try mixing the sample 50/50 with Di water, if there are no nitrItes then nothing will change. If there are to many the a .5 dilution may get results.
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    green spot algae

    From what I understand to intense light causes GSA. Don’t quote me on that, maybe others will chime in and know for sure.
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    green spot algae

    A credit card or razor blade is the best way, IMO.
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    How long does Co2 take to lower pH

    0.360g of Sodium Bicarbonate in 1 gallon of water should = ~ 4Dkh. I had to look all over the net to find out those numbers when I was making my own solution. Just for a reference later. I would leave the CO2 set at what it is now and see. Then make your adjustments. Just my advice.
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    For Sale: Mid and Background Plants

    hey, thanks for looking. Dboone, I have about two bunches of the Myrio left. The Mexican oak has all been taken. Animalzrok2, the shrimp are not ready yet. but they are getting close! I will let you know for sure when they are ready.
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    Utah anyone?

    Grand Junction, CO. so not really UT but close. im sure there are more members from around your area.
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    For Sale: Mid and Background Plants

    Hey all, I wanted to offer some of the freshwater plants that I have for sale. I will have some RCS and Sakura Shrimp for sale here in the near future as well. Myrio Mato (Myriophyllum matogrossense) Eichhornia Diversifolia Mexican Oak Leaf (Shinnersia Rivularis) All three plants are mid...
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    pH question

    pH is relative. Depends on what you are keeping.
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    Help with aquarium co2

    140ppm will = a dKh of 7.84. Yeah that is a fine reading.
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    Help with aquarium co2

    Is your Kh reading degrees or a total bicarbonate number? A dKh of 140 is outrageous. If it is a total bicarbonate reading then divide by 50 to get meq/L then multiply by 2.8 to get dKh.
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    Flourish excel questions

    I have a question then, will co2 injection melt the anarchris leaves as well?
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    4.5 Ph

    I would not use baking soda due to it can react with the water at that pH. it shouldnt but it could. if it does it will release CO2 and raise the temp. and then you just add to the problem. i would just do a few back to back water changes. Find the problem and fix it, dont just add a bandaid
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    General hardness freshwater advice

    there are a couple of things you can do, I would stay away from the crushed coral. if your tap water is really soft then there's nothing you can do, just add chemicals each time you do a water change. if your plants are dying then I would bet there something beside your general hardness that's...
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    Blue/green algae

    From the calculator that I have, for a 270L tank, I would make up a batch using 250ml DI / RO water with 0.46g KNo3. Add all of the mixture to the tank and this should give you a baseline of ~ 65ppm No3.
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    Blue/green algae

    What size is your tank? I dont dillute the KNo3 at all.
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    snail vs. ghost shrimp.

    Fishy Its not a dumb question, Malaysian trumpet snail. Puff My nitrAtes are averaging about 30-40ppm. The shrimp are in a planted tank and I maintain higher levels of most macro and micro’s than is normally recommended. I dose using a modified EI regimen. I would agree except I does the...
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    New member

    Welcome to AA. We are glad to have you.
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    pregnant ghost shrimp?????

    I have had good luck with my ghost shrimp. I do not use brackish water (salinity is 0.2ppt) and have produced about 50 living shrimp from about 17 original bought shrimp (over 6 months). The problem with ghost shrimp is that they are treated as feeders so the living conditions in the stores...
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    snail vs. ghost shrimp.

    Pond snails and Ramshorns are the same way. i dont mind them in my 25g (the koli loaches love them) but in the 55g i want to try and keep clear of both. mts produce live young and both the ramshorn and pond snails lay eggs. i sell my plants at the lfs so i dont want to transfer the eggs to them.
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    For Sale: RCS

    Jeta, Do you have 20 that you could ship to 81503?
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    Wanted: FW supplies

    For 60.00 I'll send you a 1L bottle of liquid ferts (including Bentonite for crystal clear water). Add 10ml each day (that’s 100 days of ferts), and 3 ft of silicon hose for your CO2 system. I will even throw in some mts snails.
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    Blue/green algae

    I have been having some of the same issues. This thread from PT has alot of good info. Can we get to the bottom of GDA? Turns out the cause was BGA so check it out!
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