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  1. Zarlinia


    I felt it here in South central PA. It wasn't real bad here. Just enough to notice something was wrong and then it was over. The water in my tanks was sloshing a bit but wasn't enough to really faze the fish.
  2. Zarlinia

    $ per gallon sale

    I know at my local petco it's only on simple rectangle glass tanks with nothing extra. I think it's just 10, 20, 29, 44B, and 55 gallon tanks. I'm not positive but I know they restrict which ones you can get so they don't loose too much money. I haven't heard anything about this sale coming up...
  3. Zarlinia

    New here, from Central PA area

    Welcome from another PA native. Sadly I'm closer to MD than Philli.
  4. Zarlinia

    For Sale: Fish and Plants

    Aww poor little girls. I really need to quit looking for more fish I can't afford to buy at the moment. I will definitely get back to you when I get a new job and have a few extra bucks. Sorry if I'm being a bit of a tease dangling a sale at ya like that. I am curious though to see what...
  5. Zarlinia

    For Sale: Fish and Plants

    With the Endlers would it be possible to get just males? I have limited tank space and I don't want to have to worry about having fry take over. If not I'll just wait till I can get a bigger tank.
  6. Zarlinia

    My clashing design 10g

    Thanks bunches. Yep, he's a common pleco that I rescued from a nasty Walmart tank with rotting plants. I'm working on getting a bigger tank for when he grows to large for the 10g. For now they're all happy together. I'm surprised since Pip wouldn't leave Talli alone on the trip home.
  7. Zarlinia

    My clashing design 10g

    I've been on here for a while and I finally get some decent pics of my little watery havens. My 10 gallon tank design seems to be ever changing but here's a glimpse in it's transformation. These are from when I had my breeder net was still in there. The little fishy family of Pipla the dal...
  8. Zarlinia

    close to the Mason Dixon Line

    I have a small freshwater. Its just a 10 gallon with a few guppies, a pleco, and a Dalmatian molly.
  9. Zarlinia

    close to the Mason Dixon Line

    Woot I'm not all alone. I'm from south York. (Red Lion to be precise) I don't get to Hanover much but i know where it is.
  10. Zarlinia

    Newest member of my fish family

    He's gorgeous and I'm jealous. He makes me think of Toothless the night fury from How to train your dragon. (just watched that movie again. XD) He looks black but has random colors that show in different light.
  11. Zarlinia

    close to the Mason Dixon Line

    I've noticed a lot of people from other ends of Pennsylvania but I haven't noticed anyone closer to me In south central area not far from the Maryland line. I was just curious if there are any other AA members from in my area that I might be to compare store opinions and such with. :whistle:
  12. Zarlinia

    What are your fish named?

    It's ok. None of my animals are named after disney characters. Mine come from my own head and one of my favorite manga. I used to have a pair of bettas that were named after the main pairing of the story (Izumi and Hikari) but now I'm left with just my male. Even my dog is just Sydney.
  13. Zarlinia

    Help please urgent

    Goldfish are pretty hearty so for now you're ok. You'll have to see about getting a filter of some kind though since goldfish are notorious for being very dirty. I had 3 comets before and it was impossible to keep the water clear for more than a few days even with filtering. The filter will also...
  14. Zarlinia

    My 5G Betta Tank!

    I love his colors. the tank looks pretty awesome too.
  15. Zarlinia

    What are your fish named?

    I have 3 adult guppies that are named after characters in a story I'm trying to write. Kisho, Zarcon, and Talliana. I have 6 babies that aren't named yet since they haven't grown into their color to figure out their genders and I'm not sure which ones I'll be keeping yet. I also have a dalmation...
  16. Zarlinia

    Popeye? betta

    I'm not positive since I have no idea what pop eye looks like but my male betta Izumi's eyes don't lie flat to his head and he's always looked that way since I got him back in February. To me your little guys eyes just look large for his head but I wouldn't say he looks unhealthy.
  17. Zarlinia

    where do you keep your tank(s)

    I now have 3 tanks in my bedroom. I just got a new one today and finished setting it up just minutes ago. My dad says he'd never be able to sleep in my room because all the watery sounds would make him have to use the bathroom all the time. It doesn't bother me one bit. Gives me something to...
  18. Zarlinia

    Newbie Guppy Momma

    just a little update: Today marks one week old for my little guppies and so far all six are still surviving. A few are already starting to get their color. I think at least one is going to be mostly black like it's momma. XD
  19. Zarlinia

    Just got all this for $5

    I've only ever seen aqua-tech filters at Walmart. Mine came in the aquarium kit my mom got me for christmas. I've seen people use fountain pumps in a terrarium setup so that may be what the previous owner used all the stuff for. Some of the decor stuff seems like things that can be used for fish...
  20. Zarlinia

    used tank rehab

    Oh yay vinegar. That sounds like a lovely smelling cleaning day lol. If it works it will be done. XP I'm not positive what exactly she wants to do I'm just trying to find out what her options are so she can figure out which sounds more appealing. I've been looking into aquaclears myself to...
  21. Zarlinia

    used tank rehab

    Last week, my friend's mother got her a used tank and stand for her birthday coming up this week. Sadly her mom knows nothing about keeping a good aquarium or she would have questioned the look of the tank. :facepalm: It wasn't a bad deal but there are some problems that will have to be overcome...
  22. Zarlinia

    favorite fish for a 10g

    I have guppies and a dalmatian lyre tail molly in mine. I think they're an awesome mix of monochromatic black and white and the unlimited colors of guppies. I also have black and neon purple gravel to add to my insane colors. XD
  23. Zarlinia

    When Do Guppies Mature???

    I'm fine with each measurement separately but when I've gotta convert them to each other I'm lost. I haven't really used metrics since I graduated HS so I'm a tidbit rusty but I get by.
  24. Zarlinia

    When Do Guppies Mature???

    I had no clue of the exacts either. I only knew that it was higher 70's lower 80's area. I was at a complete loss the other day when I was looking at new tank heaters on ebay and they had a bunch listed as liters instead of gallons. I was cursing the metric system then. XP
  25. Zarlinia

    special treat for my fish

    I just tried the blood worms with my guppies since I had some for my bettas and they gobbled them up in a second. It was so cute.
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