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  1. joel618

    time sensative, need advice asap please!

    ok thank you. ive been worried sick and hoping this would work. i will put a mesh bag of bio balls in a mesh bag in front of the powerhead.
  2. joel618

    time sensative, need advice asap please!

    that is a great idea but i dont have time to go get one before we leave for the next couple of days petco is 30-minutes each way. :( 45 is proper temp and water conditions should be nearly identical, i just dont know how quickly the water will degrade. i wouldnt think that 6 inches of fish would...
  3. joel618

    BN pleco compatability

    you should be fine. i have a common bn, 2 albino bn, 1 calico and 1 starlight of all different sizes in my 75. (they will be rehomed to my other tanks once i sex them). The starlight is the only one that is a male for sure, but they all get along fine. once sexually mature, i have read that...
  4. joel618

    time sensative, need advice asap please!

    I recently bought some F1 Gold Head Muzi comps from aquabid and when they came in they were much smaller than I expected (1 inch at the most). they are currently in my 75gal but they are small enough for my frontosa to eat them. to prevent this ive thrown together a 45 corner tank with a heater...
  5. joel618

    Am I overstocked?

    You beat me too it. Lol
  6. joel618

    plant suggestions for a newbie

    My thoughts exactly. Maybe some java fern aswell.
  7. joel618

    fish id please.

    Thanx for all the replys. He doeant sit still enough for good pics. Ive been researching it some and I think you are right. Im going to rehome him. Between killing my plants and attacking every other cichlid that gets near him, he just doesnt seem worth it.
  8. joel618

    For Sale: A huge full malawi set up

    Kk nevermind. :(
  9. joel618

    For Sale: A huge full malawi set up

  10. joel618

    fish id please.

    For real? I was thinking zebra too bc he has a shiny blue undertone and what look like broken bars down his side. I will post better pics in the morning, i didnt have my blue spectrum lights on for some reason. He has been pretty hyper aggressive so far i may rehome. I think he is stressing my...
  11. joel618

    fish id please.

    When i got him i was thinking fuelleborni but his mouth is different. He is hyper active and has destroyed a couple of my anubias. Any guesses?
  12. joel618

    Hi from Illinois!

    Welcome. Im about 6hrs south of chicago.
  13. joel618

    Cichlids with inverts

    Anubias is the only thing that my africans wont eat. A couple java fern have made it but still get nibbled on.
  14. joel618

    Bristlenose pleco with African cichlids

    Lol, im not either. To the op, ive had 2 in my 75 mbuna tank for about 16 months w no problems. They dont really pay attention to the pleco, but my mbuna are relatively mild mannered.
  15. joel618

    Awful Day

    That sux and is one of my biggest fears. What brand heater?
  16. joel618

    Plec advice

    What would the tank mates be? Prolly too small for 2 plecos imo.
  17. joel618

    Plec advice

    By themselves?
  18. joel618

    75 gallon african tank

    All male peacock tank?
  19. joel618

    What plants can i have?

    I like anubias, i have several, they seem to be all my cichlids will allow to live.
  20. joel618

    Goldfish has got me worried.

    Yep, theres your trouble. Read the links above and you should be on the right track.
  21. joel618

    what are your cichlids' favorite veggies?

    Mine like peas the best. They will nibble at cucumber and squash but swarm the peas.
  22. joel618

    My 30 Gal Tank

    Personally i like schools of corries in a community tank. You could also do some small cichlids like apistos or rams. Or a species only shell dweller tank. Just depends what route you wanna take.
  23. joel618

    Goldfish has got me worried.

    I think the cycling may be your problem. Have you been adding an ammonia source or just changing water? Im not on my computer so i cant link it. But search this forum for the guide to fish in cycling.
  24. joel618

    Stocking for a 15g

    Too small for a pleco imo. Maybe an otoclinus or 2-3 small cories. They school in groups so they are entertaining.
  25. joel618

    My 30 Gal Tank

    Nice, i like black substrate. What are you planning to stock?
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