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  1. Plants


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    Other stuff

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  3. Cichlids


  4. Labyrinth fish (Bettas/Gouramis)

    Labyrinth fish (Bettas/Gouramis)

  5. C

    Montréal shops

    Hey Serge, Thanks for the reply :D I'll have to check em out for sure.,, Rain today eww not liking it thats for sure, I was gonna go down to the biodome today, but decided to stay in where its dry :P Thanks for the ideas I can't wait to check em out :D
  6. C

    Hi Everyone

    LOL nevermind he he... I see its ONT, my bad :P
  7. C

    Hi Everyone

    Hey Nelson, What provence is Owen Sound in? My geo is going bad I think :P Welcome and thanks for joining :) Chris
  8. C

    Montréal shops

    Hey anyone here from Montréal have any good recondemations for good shops to purchase fish equipment and fish? I been in a few shops that seems kinda blah... Any suggestions?
  9. C

    Hello from a bilingual montrealer

    Bonjour Tap :) Do you have any updates to your projects yet? You will have fun making gas thats for sure very easy and fun to do :D
  10. java fern

    java fern

  11. C

    I Moved

    Hey everyone. I moved provences I now live in Montréal, QC and had to leave my fish at home in Charlottetown :( No worries though. I'll get it all started up again :) I bet your all shocked to see me make a post huh? I'll be around more often now that I am not so busy with work. Chris
  12. C

    Fluorescent Spriral Bulb Recall

    Hey, I hear that alot about these bulbs I mean I knew they were a fire hazzard . My apartment usues these bulbs, my landlord says they save energy. Well I guess that unlike some people I turn off my lights when I am not using them so when I am not home I don't think I am going to worry about...
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    Hello From NB

    New brunswick yep Just north from where you used to live :) How do you like Cow Town? aka Calgary? I used to live down the hill from C.O.P in the north west :) Nice place Calgary.
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    Bettas for sale

    Hey Ashley, Check you PM and send me an email :) Thanks :)
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    Hello From NB

    Nope, Not me anyway. However I am in Charlottetown which is right beside NB :) Where in NB are you from _dan_ my gf lived in NB most her life I think..
  16. C

    Oh Canadians....

    I agree, I mean, I have only really had time latley with approving with work and all. I think having all canadians together in one forum is pretty cool. we don't use up all the database quota thats forsure Bettacove :D Well Sarah I am the only one from PE lol.
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    Looking for Zebra Plecos

    Hey, I know once place that would carry them, but they are in Halifax. I'm not sure if they would ship or not though? east coast to west coast is a long haul :)
  18. C

    Is this expensive?

    I agree.... Then again you never know that may be a price to bring down lower?? being a used tank you may find it cheaper at walmart.
  19. C

    Is this expensive?

    I agree.... Then again you never know that may be a price to bring down lower?? being a used tank you may find it cheaper at walmart.
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    Cool tkos where did you move to? from where? I don't miss moving fish can be pretty stressful, more me I think then the fish lol. Chris
  21. C

    need some canadian help?

    You could most likley find it in your lfs, I used sand in a tank once and it killed my filters lol had two aquaclear 500s and the sand just burnt them... my lesson learned : ) I think SIlica sand is the good stuff??
  22. C

    Bettas for sale:

    Cool. I'm on PE, pretty cold here aswell I feel that this time of year is a bit cold aswell as I remember a guy tell me from the fish store that he got some betta's last winter that came in a block :x :roll: Not nice to hear but I guess some people are more ready to risk it to grab a couple...
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    Well, I actually lost most of the fish aswell, She gave away my 33 gallon. She also gave the 72 gallon Mbuna Cichlid community That went to the dumps so I hear. I do however still have my 10 gall planted tank I set up. and my Leopard gecko, buttercup. lol She kept Blondie. Ever since though I...
  24. C

    Bettas for sale:

    Hey Ashley how many DT Females do you have to release? I got a 10 gallon planted right now with 4 black tetras so I'm good for room. Would you think that its a good time to ship down to the east? Chris.
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