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  1. Coryluv

    Word Association

  2. Coryluv

    Lights for Plants

    I don't have T5s, I have LEDs. If you are going to buy a new light for your tank to grow plants I'd suggest that you look at the many newer LED lights for planted tanks. Have you figured out what kind of bulb/tube your hood uses? I do have a plexiglass (acrylic) lid over the main opening in my...
  3. Coryluv

    Word Association

  4. Coryluv

    Word Association

  5. Coryluv

    Ultra clear tank VS traditional tank

    Lol. A light so amazing everyone would want it -- haven't seen one of those yet. There are a few lights with followings, but that's about as good as it gets. Love the thought though. I can imagine the clamor as people tried to get their hands on it! Great thought pic to start my day with. Thanks.
  6. Coryluv

    Lights for Plants

    Some of the planted tanks are less deep. At 24 inches, less light will get to the bottom than 12 inches. It's certainly not prohibitive, though. Whether to keep your sand or to use a planting medium is up to you. Either will work. Mixing can and has been done, but I don't recommend it...
  7. Coryluv

    Word Association

  8. Coryluv

    Lights for Plants

    On some plants there are contrary recommendations depending on the source of the information. High, med, and low are usually ranges. What does well in one tank may not do well in another regardless of exact lighting levels. The spectrum of the light is important, not just the level. If there...
  9. Coryluv

    Lost instructions
  10. Coryluv

    Lost instructions

    The chart is kind of plastic and printed in color. It looks like this: The color reproduction is iffy online, but better than nothing. The instruction booklet is on white paper.
  11. Coryluv

    Should I remove the Mystery snails ?

    Yes, mystery snails do not reproduce unless you let them. Their eggs are large, salmon colored, above the water line, and easily removed. Egg clusters are at least 1 x 1/2 inches, often larger, and so are not easy to miss.
  12. Coryluv

    Sand vs. Gravel

    I've had both. Sand is easier and can be used with live plants. When I started my tank I didn't plan for live plants. With sand all I needed to do was to add root tabs to grow plants.
  13. Coryluv


    The ceramic part of the filter is more important than the carbon. You can easily do without the carbon. I replaced my carbon with that blue bonded filter padding cut to fit. Two layers about fills the carbon space and traps finer stuff than the foam. Don't replace your filter material. Just...
  14. Coryluv


    Sometimes for reasons unknown, no one notices a post. Sometimes they just get lost in the many posts here. I'm sorry that happened in your case. Please accept our welcomes, however late. Your fish sound wonderful and we are glad you are here. Welcome to Aquarium Advice.
  15. Coryluv

    Ultra clear tank VS traditional tank

    Bringing this back from lighting to rimless low iron tanks and should they be all inclusive or not: While there is a place for each approach the serious hobbyist to whom low iron appeals, even at better prices, probably wants to choose and buy components for their set up separately.
  16. Coryluv

    Lights for Plants

    P.S. If your hood is T8, it is possible to successfully grow some low light plants. I started out with a T8 hood that came with my aquarium and upgraded my lighting a few months later. If you do have a T8 hood you can buy bulbs for aquarium plants for it at just about any pet store with a...
  17. Coryluv

    Lights for Plants

    They refer to the diameter of the fluorescent tube. T8 are fatter around than T5. It is likely a hood that came with an aquarium is T8, but without more information there is no way to tell. You can use sand or planting medium substrate like "Eco-complete" (one of many brands). Gravel is not...
  18. Coryluv

    Ultra clear tank VS traditional tank

    I don't know that there is one all inclusive lighting for beginners thread. Freshwater lighting for plants is evolving and constantly changing. As far as which lighting you can use with any particular tank, you need to determine if you are hanging the light or setting it on the tank. You...
  19. Coryluv

    Word Association

  20. Coryluv

    Word Association

  21. Coryluv

    You might be an aquarium nerd if...

    I think that deserves some kind of super nerd category :thumb:
  22. Coryluv

    You might be an aquarium nerd if...

    Heck yeah that includes spare parts!
  23. Coryluv

    hello everybody!

    What Caleb said :) Besides being very pretty in the aquarium, there are fewer tannins in manzanita than some other woods. It is one of the more favored woods for aquarium use.
  24. Coryluv

    hello everybody!

    Your plans sound great. Have fun with it. Depending on where you are in CA, you can cut your own manzanita, clean and peal it for driftwood. Better to use dead pieces, but if you cut it live age it until it is really really dried out. Just be careful that it hasn't been spayed with anything...
  25. Coryluv

    You might be an aquarium nerd if...

    Your box of "retired and spare" fish supplies is bigger than your tank.
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