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  1. S

    led grow light. help??

    hey sorry guys i was away for a few days and didnt have access to a computer. i dont really want high light on the bottom i dont really care just as long as i get some form of growth out of my pygmy chain sword and there fairly easy. so i think i'll go with the finnex or current usa. thanks for...
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    led grow light. help??

    huh well that sucks. and yeah two fixtures that cool im just wondering if it will reach the bottom of the tank
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    led grow light. help??

    i just had a thought sould i get a marine light for coral growth?? seeing as there made to reach deeper tanks? i dont know just a thought
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    led grow light. help??

    right so finnex then?? that would reach the bottom of the tank?
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    led grow light. help??

    alrighty so i have decided to ditch the original one on ebay and go with either a usa satellite plus or a finnex. ill make up my mind when i get my next paycheque :) as for substrate well ill figure that out with how much money i have left. thankyou guys for helping me out and pointing me in the...
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    led grow light. help??

    haha root tabs are definitely a no no i had a bad experience with them last time i used them, i put a couple around the roots of my plants in my 80l fish tank before i decided to dirt it, and then about a month later pulled the plant up and what was left of the root tabs came up too and clogged...
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    led grow light. help??

    low light, low maintenance i can roll with that :lol: that light fixture looks pretty cool so i'll read into that a bit more. as for the eco complete well ive looked into ada amazonia, fluval stratum, flourite and the eco and as much as i would love to use it its all just so **** expensive...
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    led grow light. help??

    well nothings set in stone yet but here some of the plants that are definitely going in jungle val red tiger lotus lots of different crypts anubias nana and maybe some bigger ones amazon sword pygmy chain swords but they might get replaced with brazilian micro sword some java ferns ludwigia...
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    led grow light. help??

    hey guys :) so for christmas i got a nice big 4x2x2 fish tank :lol: but with a big fish tank and lots of sexy plants comes a light so right now im looking at a led light on ebay but i dont know enough about lights and wavelengths and spectrums an all that technical stuff. it says if a reef grow...
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    Haha we run out house completley off solar power. We don't get power outages
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    Any Aussies About?

    Hey guys I'm from Geraldton western Australia :D
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    Horrible Hard Water Stains

    What about that CLR stuff. It says it gets rid of calcium lime and rust
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    Post your Betta Pics Here

    So I thought I would join in and post one of my boy Oscar :D
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