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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. georgetheplec

    New fish house

    i am so jealous!! :thumb: wish i had your skill...with building...and fish!
  2. georgetheplec

    What Did You do With Your Tank Today?

    i love this thread! :D
  3. georgetheplec

    What Did You do With Your Tank Today?

    probably just a pig
  4. georgetheplec

    What Did You do With Your Tank Today?

    i think one of my silver tetra is pregnant...? its bigger and fatter than the other three...
  5. georgetheplec

    Plecostomus has bloated stomach

    has to be said...bacteria are more life forms than some humans
  6. georgetheplec

    test readings

    hi, i was real close to quitting yesterday, almost put it all back on craigslist, but i know i can get this sorted no more panicking!! but ive just got back from sharkeys and want to share what i learned. i retested the water, took out about 40% water, as i broke the bucket and thats...
  7. georgetheplec

    test readings

    i did 50% waterchange on sunday, the new filter has a Zorb bag along with a carbon bag, stars and filter sponges. im reading the api book...well, trying to, lol there was no one home to double check the results at the time. i added gravel also on sunday. one reason why i bought the canister...
  8. georgetheplec

    test readings

    ive had my fish tank since may, i have fish in it, i have been doing 50%water change every week to 10 days, i have one large plec, 2 silver dollars, the rest are 1inch long tetras, of different kinds, 12 of them, ive already been told the tank is overstocked. i got a different filter just over a...
  9. georgetheplec

    test readings

    just tested the water, using the api master test kit...this is what i got... ph - 6.8-7 ammonia - 1.0ppm nitrite - 2.0ppm nitrate - 40ppm verging towards 80 dont know what to expect...good or bad...?
  10. georgetheplec


    meet banshee, she is eight, born in the uk too, now nj resident. people give up on pets way to easy!
  11. georgetheplec

    What Did You do With Your Tank Today?

    i put a timer on the lights...pretty technical stuff, eh
  12. georgetheplec

    What Did You do With Your Tank Today?

    is he grinning?
  13. georgetheplec


    first snow. whats it doing where you are?
  14. georgetheplec


    its morpani, im constantly rinsing the yellow and putting in fresh, boiling, and change the water again, the yellow isnt too bad now...probably another few hundred pan fulls to go lol
  15. georgetheplec


    this is the driftwood, it is taking a while to loose the yellow.
  16. georgetheplec


    :popcorn: I have decided im not going to get stressed about, here effort so far... My 'Pathetic' Tank. yeah, what... SKINT NOVICE :fish1: Bought it from Craigslist. It's 4ftx2ftx1ft approx. there was fish with it, I have a canister filter...this one...Welcome to...
  17. georgetheplec

    What Did You do With Your Tank Today?

    i got driftwood, its approx 12in x 4in x 6in its currently cooking, looking at the amount of yellow, if i soaked it in hot water, constantly changing and replacing it, id be here a month waiting for the water to run fingers crossed.
  18. georgetheplec

    Driftwood help was stupid old me...
  19. georgetheplec

    Any Jersey Shore area fishkeepers?

    great help thankyou... :D ill certainly be paying a visit...not far from the beach also...double bubble!! :fish1:
  20. georgetheplec

    Driftwood help

    id be dubious about spraying anything on it, even though it is probably safe... i know plecs like to munch on driftwood...ill throw a guess in by saying some other fish do too... entirely your choice. couple of screws sounds like a better idea.
  21. georgetheplec

    Any Jersey Shore area fishkeepers?

    is sharkeys a fish shop? do you have an address?
  22. georgetheplec

    Driftwood help

    eventually it will stop floating and drop
  23. georgetheplec

    Pleco question

    post a pic, there is a good plec profile on here which might help...and im sure someone will help put a name to him... i
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