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  1. SonicsDC25

    Fish ID please help

    Yep, there are even more "out of the box" names out there that people though of when they don't know what specie they have lol.
  2. SonicsDC25

    90 gallon peacock and hap tank

    IMO a 90g is way too small to have a Livingstonii pair, once they start breeding the male will be very aggressive, more than they already are. With the footprint on a 90g and the peacocks ranging from 5-7 inches, they won't have many places to go if they get the Livingstonii male on them, which...
  3. SonicsDC25

    Fish ID please help

    Sunburst is just another of MANY names for this specie of Aulonocara. Sunburst, Dragonblood, Red Dragon, Fire Fish... for the most part it's the same fish.
  4. SonicsDC25

    Fish ID please help

    Albino Dragonblood peacock
  5. SonicsDC25

    New Tank setup 100G

    A 100G mbuna tank, now that'll be a sight to see when you can get algae growth on rocks :)
  6. SonicsDC25

    New Tank setup 100G

    Just curious, why try to make the tank look like a saltwater tank when you can get a 30g cube and make an actual reef tank lol. I'm a fan of making the aquascape mimic the fish's natural habitat and as you said, Africans are the real showcase with their color, which always baffles me when I see...
  7. SonicsDC25

    Plz help don't want he to die

    If he isn't eating, try using Seachem Kanaplex. This med is soaked through the skin, so it's beneficial to fish who aren't eating. If you have Metro or Octozin (like I mentioned in your other post about bloat), you can make a mixture and use a tube to feed it down the fish's throat. You can also...
  8. SonicsDC25

    Treat bloat : Waterlife Octozin 80 Tab : Aquarium Treatments : Pet Supplies From Amazon.
  9. SonicsDC25

    Treat bloat

    Just google Octozin, your search results will be better since it will probably have links to companies in the UK. Or just go to your local fish store and ask for it.
  10. SonicsDC25

    Treat bloat

    Salt won't do much for bloat. Over here in the U.S. they sell Metro (by Seachem) and I think in the U.K. they sell Octozin. Pick some up and follow the instructions, don't be shy in overdosing.
  11. SonicsDC25

    Tank with Natural Sunlight

    My LED light is broken, so had to remove the tank's canopy for some natural sunlight to light up the tank. Decided to take some pics while the sun was shining through the window (sorry for the reflection in the full tank shots) :)
  12. SonicsDC25

    What's wrong with my Cichlid?

    Ich doesn't die within 48 hours, it depends what stage of its lifecycle it's in. If the Ich is in the later stage of their lifecycle, then they could die within 48 hours, if they're in the reproductive stage then it'll be longer. There are also studies that showed some strains of Ich whose...
  13. SonicsDC25

    Hydrogen Peroxide to sterilize new tank?

    If you're at a peace of mind with that method, that's great; however like I said I'd rather go the extra mile in cleaning the tank, after all it'll only cost a tiny fraction of what you spent on the setup/livestock, which is what gives me a peace of mind.
  14. SonicsDC25

    Hydrogen Peroxide to sterilize new tank?

    I've seen instances of people doing that and it left behind some kind of nasty parasite, when you have hundreds of dollars worth of fish, it's better safe than sorry. Would be a bit ignorant to spend lots of money on the tank, equipment, substrate, food, and fish then skimp out on cleaning the...
  15. SonicsDC25

    What's wrong with my Cichlid?

    After exposing that tank to a fish with ich, treating him alone in a separate tank is a bad idea, you'll want to treat every tank he was in to make sure there isn't any of those parasites leftover.
  16. SonicsDC25

    What's wrong with my Cichlid?

    Heat alone doesn't kill ich at those temperatures, heat only speeds up their life cycle, so instead of treating for weeks, you're only looking at days. Add salt to the tank, it makes the environment for parasites less hospitable. If you get the temperature beyond 86, you could kill the ich with...
  17. SonicsDC25

    Hydrogen Peroxide to sterilize new tank?

    I never said I feared bleach? I said I prefer to stay away from it since in most cases, Hydrogen Peroxide is perfectly fine as an alternative when used as a 1/5 ratio with water; which in addition it's less washing needed since after wiping it down with the mixture, all I need to do is have the...
  18. SonicsDC25

    Hydrogen Peroxide to sterilize new tank?

    Bleach is one thing I prefer to stay away from, unless the tank is extremely grotesque. I'll probably just wash it how I've always done it and not add the peroxide while having the tank up and running.
  19. SonicsDC25

    Hydrogen Peroxide to sterilize new tank?

    So I just got another 10g setup to turn into a 2nd quarantine tank :thumbup although it's used, so I would like to sterilize the canister filters (2x 20g rated mini filters), the heater and the tank itself. For my previous larger tanks, I just put 1 parts Hydrogen Peroxide and 5 parts water...
  20. SonicsDC25

    Fish Safe with Cichlids

    I disagree about your point that people in general in the forum being closed minded, however some people in this thread could relax a bit and maybe have better choice of words. Although that could be said about you as well, when you said "proved everyone wrong," that can be misleading to new...
  21. SonicsDC25

    Fish Safe with Cichlids

    Key word is IF, he's relatively new to this area of the hobby, mixing cichlids are usually for the experienced keepers and even then it's quite rare to have a successful tank long term mixing cichlids.
  22. SonicsDC25

    Fish Safe with Cichlids

    Looking at the pictures you provided, you're going to need a major aquascape remodel, peacocks will need way more room if your entire tank is filled with rocks.
  23. SonicsDC25


    I keep both haps and peacocks and I do 1 big feed per day. You'll know how much to feed specifically by monitoring your fish, if you see them starting to get a bit thin, feed a little more. If you see a big stomach and a double chin, then it's definitely time to cut back. If you want, you can...
  24. SonicsDC25

    Plants for African cichlids

    I personally don't even bother with plants, I've tried them all when I had mbuna and they only survived 1 or 2 days before they looked like a tornado hit them LOL. Just try growing algae on your rocks, it'll provide you that pop of green color + it's a natural snack for your cichlid :)
  25. SonicsDC25

    Rock from rock farm for my cichlids?

    I personally don't buy rocks, I pick them up around garden areas or on the side of the road that has the "perfect" shape I'm looking for in my tank (my wife is like, uh... why do you keep looking at rocks when you're driving LOL). In my signature there's a link of my old 55g tank, which were all...
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