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  1. CoronaBlue

    Breaking down. Or do I thought

    I have a 125g tank. My Rusty has had 3 fry, 1st had 2, second had 6, last batch was 3. They range from about 1.5 inches to really small as her last fry are only about 2 weeks old. As long as you have hiding spots fry will survive.
  2. CoronaBlue

    I need an algae eater for Mbuna tank

    Current LED lights on my 125.
  3. CoronaBlue

    Best wet pet for 55g tank

    That's a nice looking fish.
  4. CoronaBlue

    Best wet pet for 55g tank

    Short video of mine fish. As I was filming I realized my rusty had another fry. Her last batch isn't older than a month
  5. CoronaBlue

    Best wet pet for 55g tank

    What exactly are you looking for in a wet pet? Are you wanting a fish that comes to your hand when you place it in water or just something active?
  6. CoronaBlue

    I need an algae eater for Mbuna tank

    Unless your in a blacked out room the lights going off during the day in a somewhat sun lit room won't matter. I'd recommend leaving lights off during the day if your not home. How many bulbs are in your housing unit?
  7. CoronaBlue

    I need an algae eater for Mbuna tank

    Yea snails definitely won't work. I had them in my community tank. Loved watching them.
  8. CoronaBlue

    I need an algae eater for Mbuna tank

    Algae eaters don't eat enough to clean a tank that's got an algae bloom. Try more frequent water changes and turn off the lights more frequently.
  9. CoronaBlue

    post your cichlid setup here!

    Thanks, I'm always on the lookout for additions. Right now my Rusty is giving me too many additions. I'm probably going to remove her from tank. She's given me 9 offspring so far and she's holding again.
  10. CoronaBlue

    My cichlid tank.

    6 in a 46 isn't bad as long as you give them spots to hide. In a 90 you can get quite a few. I had 15 in my 55 gallon but it started getting cramped which is why I bumped to the 125. Africans are aggressive in nature, it's inevitable to have tension in the tank. You just need to provide areas...
  11. CoronaBlue

    My cichlid tank.

    How many ciclids are in the tank? Post a pic so we can see how it's layer out. I have about 25 in my 125 but there are plenty of spots to hide as I've placed about 200lbs of rock in tank
  12. CoronaBlue

    post your cichlid setup here!

    Been a while since I updated my tank shot. Few pictures of my 125g, hard to believe but there is 20 fish in the tank. They love hiding in the rocks.
  13. CoronaBlue

    Canister filter question

    I run matrix and common filter floss in my sun sun (125 gallon tank).
  14. CoronaBlue

    Non Cory options?

    I have a bumblebee in my tank, I hardly ever see him. He usually doesn't come out till lights go out
  15. CoronaBlue

    African Featherfin Catfish

    Was just commenting to my wife I need to find a better way to feed my feather fin. My Ciclids go into a frenzy during feeding time. Poor catfish has a hard time getting food.
  16. CoronaBlue

    HOB filters vs canister filters

    Just bought my first sun sun after I couldn't find a new valve for my marine land 360. It runs great so far, bought the pro version just swapped all my media over.
  17. CoronaBlue

    Best Algae Eater with Mbunas Cichlids?

    I have a BN in my ciclid tank. If I could get him out easy, I would rehome him. Unfortunately I have about 200lbs of rock I'd rather not pull out just to get to him.
  18. CoronaBlue

    Do More Men Than Women Have Aquariums?

    I hardly ever see females in the LFS when I'm there looking at the new stock. My wife loves my tanks but has said several times she wants nothing to do with cleaning them.
  19. CoronaBlue

    Let me see what ya got.

    few of mine grouped together.
  20. CoronaBlue

    Fake plants

    I have fake in both my tanks. They have some green algae that's growing on them which I like the look of. I'm sure at some point I'll get a 20 long and start a planted tank. Least that's my plan, not sure wife will enjoy another tank in the house.
  21. CoronaBlue

    New and stupid.

    When you do fish in cycle you need to change water every day, about 25%. Test water every few days to make sure you didn't hit a spike (which is what probably happened and killed your fish). No need to over do it with all the chemicals, right now about the only thing you need is a declorinator...
  22. CoronaBlue

    How do you do effective water changes in LARGE aquariums?

    I do water changes on my 125 and 75 exactly like candyman described. I am currently finishing up my bottle of API stress coat for my declorinator at which time I'll start using my can of SAFE.
  23. CoronaBlue

    Want to start a cichlid tank in the future, not sure where to start.

    I have a peacock, hap and mbuna tank. They have coexisted for about 6 months now. I have a mixture of adults and juveniles, I've only had to rehome a few from aggression.
  24. CoronaBlue

    Power Head for Poop Removal

    Trial and error usually. Depends on your tank size and decor. You basically want to create a current that will push the debris off the bottom and towards the filter or power head so it breaks up the matter. I leave my wavemakers on all night. Doesn't seem to bother the fish at all. They can head...
  25. CoronaBlue

    Dead German Blue Ram

    GBRs like very established consistent tanks. A 1 month tank is just too early, and top it with its a 12 gallon makes it even worse. Smaller tanks have a greater chance of something going wrong. I'm sorry for your loss, I have 4 GBRs so I know how tempting they are to buy. I waited over 6...
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