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  1. nicbizzy

    Mysterious Denison barb deaths

    Tried to post video but can't figure it out. Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  2. nicbizzy

    Mysterious Denison barb deaths

    I'm just hoping someone one else has had a similar experience or can shed some light as to what the hell is going on with my fish. Specifically, my Denison barbs. I've had three other Denisons present in the same way this guy has (sudden erratic, slightly slanted swimming complete with a nose...
  3. nicbizzy

    Why did you do it, Little King?!

    Yeah, I know why the algae's there. I leave the lights on way too long because I like looking at my babies and I was trying grow a little to supplement his diet. And knowing the mollies would graze on the algae growing on the driftwood, rocks and plants too. So didn't mind it growing, I was...
  4. nicbizzy

    Why did you do it, Little King?!

    So I bought a mystery snail yesterday in the hopes that it would take care of the algae growing on the aquarium glass that my albino pleco seems to ignore. I've had little King for a little under a year, he's my favorite fish in fact. He's well fed, he gets to clean up the few morsels that the...
  5. nicbizzy

    Any KY people on here.........

    C-A-T-S CATS CATS CATS!!! Nicole
  6. nicbizzy

    Loving it!!

    Decided to try Rapashy, the kids go nuts over it. Soilent Green is People!!! Nicole
  7. nicbizzy

    Show off your catfish and pleco photos here

    I just drooled a little bit. That fish is stunning!!! Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  8. nicbizzy

    Pleco + zucchini

    First time adventures in feeding with veggies! Little King Trash Mouth is one happy fella. Oh, and I left the seeds in. Getting conflicting answers as to wether they can stay or should be removed prior to going in the tank. What do you do? Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  9. nicbizzy

    Pleco + zucchini

    First time adventures in feeding with veggies! Little King Trash Mouth is one happy fella. Oh, and I left the seeds in. Getting conflicting answers as to wether they can stay or should be removed prior to going in the tank. What do you do? Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  10. nicbizzy

    Fishy times in KY!

    Thanks, Nils!! I agree it is addicting in the best way possible!! So excited to be a part of this community, thanks again for the warm welcome! Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  11. nicbizzy

    Fishy times in KY!

    I've been lurking for a couple of weeks and have finally decided to jump on in. I'm brand new to the fish game. Late December I brought a 15 gallon Aqueon Column, which in retrospect and after all the after the fact reading I've been doing, probably wasn't the best pick for a first time tank...
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