2015 Fall Auction for Colorado Aquarium Society

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Site Team
Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
Yes, everyone, it is that special time of year again, my favorite, Autumn!!!

Oh yes, and the

Fall Auction on October 17th...
Announcing The Colorado Aquarium Society’s Annual Fall Auction!
New and Used Equipment!
Freshwater and Saltwater Fish!
Dry goods, fish foods, and chemicals!
Plants... and much, MUCH More!
Our Fall Auction is an all day event so stop by anytime!
Snacks, Pizza, and Drinks Available!
Sellers Come at 8:00am
Viewing Begins at 9:00am
Auction Starts at 10:00am

Welcome to The Colorado Aquarium Society

It is a great day of fun stuff and bargains!

If you are going to be there, post and maybe we can all meet up at some point! Details, names and numbers via PM only please.
I was visting colleges in California over the weekend of the auction so I had to miss! How was the turnout? Nab anything cool? There's always a pretty good selection of uncommon fish and plants. Im going to make it to the spring auction for sure! (y)
I was able to get a nice collection of different Rainbows (they are in QT and now have Ick that is not the fun part)

here is a copied text from "What did you do to your tank today" thread in AOT

Crazy fun fish auction today

Long list and I had to set up the 46G bowfront to QT all the fish in the tank, lol.

3 Emperor tetras to go with my other 3 (in 72G), QT in the 12G edit: found out after they calmed down and colored up, they are Black Emperor Tetras, hoping they still school together. So pale in the bag, couldn't tell they were the black ones. Pretty fish though.

2 F Melanotaenia sexlineata From Gary Lange so I think it is 'Tabubils', in 12G

Rest in 46G

4 Turquoise Rainbow Melanotaenia lacustris (at lease 2 F labeled as such, and I am pretty sure the other two from the mixed bag were Turquoise (they are males though for sure)

3 Madagascan Rainbow Bedotia gaeyi - 2 were supposed to be a pair, though the 3rd was from a mixed bag and I don't know yet.

Pair Melanotaenia parkinsoni Orange Rainbowfish - Old variety

2 unknown Rainbows mixed bag

Trio Melanotaenia goldiei from Gary Lange I think "Dekai" Will need to check that out.

Lucked out here...tried to by 4 for $45 but the person I was bidding against said she would pay anything so I bowed out. Then at the end of the auction, another guy bought a bag of 4, I bowed out as my budget was already stretched, then he ended up saying he would give me a pair for half what he paid - $25 , then he said $10 and gave me the other female too! So happy and thankful for the bonus.

Hard to see most of these young fish's colors. The two Turquoise blue green males were pretty bright in the bag even, from the top looking down - pretty colorful and very promising, they were in the mixed bag.

Got a Finnex 21 LED clip light for $8

Dwarf hair grass gel pack/tissue culture

2 Bags of Guppygrass

12" Ruffled Sword

Huge moss ball, baseball size for $8 from donor Florida Aquatic Nursery.

4 Huge Americana Giant Vals

2 pots of Micro Sword

Some interesting ceramic fence - not too sure why I bought it but it seemed to call my name, lol

I didnt buy these but;

One of the crazy good deals of the night was a 5-6" pot size, potted Giant Amazon Sword mother plant with 2 - 2 foot long runners with babies for $8!!!

And the best deal was a huge Madagascar Lace plant with about 20 leaves and it went for $12 It was a crazy amazing good deal! Felt I wouldn't have enought light for it to survive and the guy next to me wanted it and he offered maybe a start if it took off.

I tried 3 times to get Pygmy Sunfish but they went for too much for my budget.

Looks like all fish made it into my QT tanks alive.

Auction went for 8 hours - longer if you include the line to get checked out.
wow if you keep buying stuff your going to need another tank .
been about 2 months since I bought anything (I know right)
between buying fire wood and filling up the gas and stuff getting ready for the cold
my pockets a bit light , now with the holidays coming fast I need to hold out longer
boy I love new toys
To boot I found a new fabulous home for my Saddleback Clowns and they will be trying to make new Saddleback Clowns so in a couple years when I am ready to do a big beautiful SW tank again I will maybe have their offspring.

There is an amazing tank up for sale I am thinking about offered by a CAS member there too 110G with a 47" giant DW in the bottom. He told me about it when I was there.

I have a perfect spot for that but need to get rid of 3 more tanks still and not enough time to get to everything. Thinking Discus... with that size and possibly Clown Loaches. :brows:

Awesome event, made some new friend connections and some with the established members too. It is so nice to be around other crazy fish people even f they don't keep the same creatures as you do most have the same "life issues" - like spouse, significant other, friends don't understand, care, don't want to talk about it see your pics, don't want more tanks, don't want to have fish in the kitchen (lol) unless they are for dinner. Don't think shrimp should cost $10 EACH unless they are for supper. Aren't impressed with your newly found knowledge from AA.

Hahahahaha!!! You know...

Really enjoying the camaraderie. Definitely did spend more money than I had intended. But considering the new projects I had in the planning stages - the things I got were all GREAT deals and mostly what I had intended to buy eventually anyway.
laughing I remember you were cutting back as you had no time ,
Well I know who's hooked lol , don't feel bad I broke down tanks and they go back up a few months later , so I'm guilty too.
Sounds like you got some awesome deals and some awesome fish! I wish I could have made it! :bang head: Ill be at the spring auction for sure though!
I AM cutting back really I am!

Seriously I am, but changing what I am keeping and getting new things. To fill the spaces that need filling. I mean, you know NEED filling! hahahaha! Bye 35G SW, Bye 5G Macro Algae SW with pair of breeding shrimp, too much work right now, Bye extra pitty purchase Betta Fish who now looks gorgeous (from CAS mini auction, btw) and bowl he's looking good now so will have no trouble finding a great home. How is that for the justification?!?

The 110G would make a great home for the fish I have always wanted... ;) I have wanted a Discus tank since I was a little kid!

All in fun.

Like I said at the beginning for those who missed it, schedule it in and save up lots of money, I mean LOTS - don't miss it, and go have a blast!!! Save some $$ for the end of auction blow out deals!!!
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