All three of my tanks have 0 ammonia and 0 Nitrate.

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 17, 2010
All three of my tanks have 0 ammonia and 0 Nitrate. I am supposed to have Nitrate. The only tank that has Nitrate remover pad, is my
6.5 gallon tank, all the other tanks do not have the Nitrate pad, and I still have O Nitrates. All tanks are 0 ammonia. :huh:
I just checked my nitrite in all tanks are 0

I just checked my nitrite in all three tanks are 0
I shook really good and still 0 for Nitrates. I shook the bottles really well. I also use the api testing kit that you have to fill up glass tubes with water, then add the reagents. I also shook the test tube as well, really, well. Then I waited a min or 2 and still get the same readings for all 3 tanks. Also it is not outdated. Exp in June/ 28
Yellow is a color for no Ammonia, and nitrates. The Nitrites was purple in color, which means 0
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