bolivian ram compatibility

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The Bolivian Ram (microgeophagus altispinosa), although territorial when breeding, is usually not agressive towards other fish. They prefer a temp of 75-79 deg F and a pH of about 7 although they will do fine at .5 in either direction as long as they are acclimated properly. They reach a size of 3-4 inches and average lifespan is about 4 yrs.

As for tankmates, most fish that have similiar water chemistry and temp requirements should be fine. Most of the Tetras, Hatchetfish, Corys, and about any other med size non agressive fish. I would stay away from the very small fish such as neons as they may become a meal. I think any of the Danios would be allright too. I would probably stay away from most of the barbs due to their fin nipping habits.

If you decide to try breeding them, be warned that the fry are EXTREMELY sensitive to nitrates and will die very quickly if there is more than a trace amount.
Logan J
As pretty as the bolivian ram is, I would suggest more of them, or a different ram such as the german ram.

Now that I have looked at this post again and noticed that you have an 11 gal tank, I would go with a pair of the Rams and maybe a trio of corys. I think that's about all you'll want to put in that size tank. JMHO :)
Logan J
Hara said:
As pretty as the bolivian ram is, I would suggest more of them, or a different ram such as the german ram.
What is the german ram? is that the Ramizera?(I cant spell) I read that they were very hard to keep.

I was under the assumption that I could only keep one ram in that aquarium. That was why I wanted tankmates; I wanted more fish than just one ram. So I'll get two rams, do they have to be a pair? From what I have read it says that if you want to get a pair, you had to buy at least 4 of them and let them pair naturally, because it is difficult to distingush between the sexs.
thanx for your help hara and loganj

I think you would be fine with a pair in that tank as long as you have adequate filtration. I'm not sure, having never tried to breed them, about getting a pair. Perhaps your LFS could supply an already mated pair? You might also check with some of the more reputable online retailers for mated pairs for sale.
Logan J
The "german blue ram" is a strain of Microgeophagus ramirezi bred for color.

About pairs, I only have experience with M. ramirezi, not M. altispinosa, but anyway. I observed a tank-full at the store on two occasions and ended up picking the best-looking female and best-looking male. I've had two spawns so far.
I have 3, 2 bolivian and one german blue in my problems with them cohabitating.
Would a mini jack demsey(just over 1 inch/3 cm) cohabit with two rams while it was still small and relatively docile?

Ive found the jacks do better with more aggressive fish. I used to keep them with african ciclid. After all, i beleive they are a South American ciclid.

Jack Dempseys tend to be a little agressive. My recommendation for this tank would be a pair of the rams and maybe some corys. If you get some corys, they will do much better if you get at least three.
Logan J
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