Canister vs Power Filters

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 12, 2003
Gainesville, FL (USA)
What do you all suggest should be the "range" of tank sizes for these types of filters? In other words, would you say one should use a HOB filter for 5-29gal and a canister filter for anything more than that..? Or.....? We currently have a 20g but will be setting up the 50g soon and want to know the pros and cons of canister vs. power filters. I used to have a 44 hex tank w/ a HOB power filter and it was fine.... but that was a few years ago and I have recently been told that a canister filter would have been even better. What are your thoughts?

Depends on the fish load you want to have. Some people like to use both on larger tanks. Another option on a larger tank is to use 2 HOB's. That gives good circulation and in case 1 breaks down it isn't going to kill all of your fish if you can't get another one right away.
Another option on a larger tank is to use 2 HOB's.
That's my setup. I have 2 Emperor 280s on my 55 (on APC battery backup...there's a hurricane a comin') and it works GREAT! I have a pretty heavy fish load and it keeps the water sparkling. I've pondered adding a cannister, but I can't see any reason to. My Ammonia and nitrItes are consistently zero, my water is crystal clear, so what advantage is there in adding another cannister filter?
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