cloudy water

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Betty Dively

Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 5, 2003
Florida, USA
:( Thanks everybody for your advice about the driftwood. Now my biggest headache. My water will not stay clear. I've tried everything, ultraclear, making sure the PH is okay which it is. plants, plecos, oscars, etc. Does anybody have a magic wand. I can't enjoy the fish because I can't see them.

Sorry d9, you don't know ponds too much, carbon wont help here.

I assume it is green water? That is a bazillion single cell algae type.

My pond usually doesnt get it.

When you say plants, what do you have? You should have some floaters, but a lot of them are illegal in FL. Any water lillies? they help shade portions of the water, which leads to lees light for the algae to grow on. Submerged plants (ones that stay completely under water) should help remove nutrients and hopefully out-compete the algae for nutrients. Sorry, but since i dont get this problem, not much help in getting rid of it.
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