Optimal environment for anemone

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 16, 2005
Montana USA
I recently purchased an anemone and things did not go well. It didn’t survive and I’m pretty sad. I spent hours reading up on their care and believe my lighting and water are optimal. (2-165 watt LED’s Nitrates 5 or less, everything else 0.) I am wondering what I can do to make my tank a good home for a BTA. It rooted in the sand, then uprooted and floated around for a few days. I suspected it didn’t like my substrate because of the coral chunks so I added 4 inches of soft sand. It found a cave and looked very happy all puffed up. I came home and it was deflated. Later I found that it had four tears in the foot. I suspect either my wavemaker turning on in the evening was too powerful causing a tear or possibly a crab got it. The wavemaker is powerful enough to make my emerald crab’s claws vibrate. I know, crab is unlikely, but I did see my Sally Lightfoot touching it off and on. Can a sudden flow cause tearing? My wavemaker is a Nuwave box and it’s rated for a 50-150 gallon tank. I have a 75 so it’s pretty powerful.

(FYI because of its age and possible heat issues, we only run the big wavemaker in the evenings when we are home)
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