Semi-aggresive Angel community questions

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 8, 2003
Panama City FL
Hey guys,

Ok I think I have decided that I want to keep an Angel tank in my 40 gallon tall system. I am thinking about going with 2 Angels of different species to really give it a cool look. Now I want to build my fish around that. I have been looking at two other Cichlids to keep with these Angels. The first possibility is a Keyhole Cichlid. They appear to be mild mannered and will only get up to 3.5" or so. The other kind of Cichlid I was thinking about getting was a Kribensis Cichlid. It, too, appears to be a very peaceful fish, doesn't dig, only gets up to around 3", and it is very active. In addition to these, I was thinking about getting 4-6 Gouramis of different species.

The gallons per fish should look something like this:

2 Angels would take up approx 15 gallons or so.
4 Keyholes would take approx 10 gallons or so.
4 Kribensis would take approx 10 gallons or so.
4 Gouramis would take up the rest of the tank.
I also may want to add some siamese Algae Eaters and/or Corys for clean up, so I may have to cut back on some fish. Perhaps 3 Keyholes and Krib's?

What do you guys think of this? Will it work? According to my research they should all be compatible. Do I have enough room in my 40 gallon to put these fish in? Should I go up to 4 angels instead of two and reduce the number of other fish? Should I go for the Cichlids at all or would I be better Loaches, Rainbows, etc.?

I just thought having a Cichlid tank would be cool. If I am totally off my rocker somebody just yell.

Ok. I have been doing more research and decided to change some things around a bit.

I am going to get 3 Angels instead of 4. I have been reading a lot of success stories with either 1 Angel or 3 Angels. I thought 3 would be a good number instead of 4 because then I could dedicate the rest of the aquarium to other fish.

I have ruled out Kribensis as a fish for the tank. They appear to be diggers and I don't want all my plants up-rooted. So I think I have decided to put in German Blue Rams. They appear to be a beautiful community fish. I am still thinking about putting in the Keyhole's as well since they still appear to be a good fish.

That is three kinds of Cichlids. Not too bad for my tank. I have also heard that the Cockatoo dwarf are good as well, however, I haven't had a change to research them any.

I will also probably add in some Siamese Algae eaters as well as possible some Gouramis.

Any thoughts? Suggestions?
I will also probably add in some Siamese Algae eaters as well as possible some Gouramis.
SAE's I'd get 1 per 10 gallons.

Others will prolly disagree with me, but Gouramis seem to be very unpredictable. In the 10 months or so that I've been at this site, I've seen more FW posts regarding Gourami problems (aggression, illness, odd behaviour) than any other fish, by far.
I am still thinking about putting in the Keyhole's as well since they still appear to be a good fish.

Keyhole's are cool. My old roommate, way back in the day, kept some and they were very pretty, and totally non aggro.
I have been reading a lot of success stories with either 1 Angel or 3 Angels.

I'm having good success with 3 angels also.
Hey Corv,

I had already decided on getting 4 SAE. Glad we are in agreement. :)

I too have been reading that people have mixed feelings about Gouramis. But do you think they will still be aggresive with Cichlids in the tank? I would figure the Angel's, Key's, or Rams would chase the Gouramis around some..
I would figure the Angel's, Key's, or Rams would chase the Gouramis around some..

There is only so far they can go in an aquarium :wink: I would generally take as little chance at having aggression in the tank as possible.

Hey Nugrad,

Are you saying then that I shouldn't go with the Gouramis like everyone has been recommending?

The reason I wanted the Gouramis was to add some color. Lets say I go with my 3 Angels, 2-3 Keyholes, 2-3 Rams, what other fish could I possible add that would have color that would also be compatible with my fish?
No no i didn't say not to get them, i just meant that if they are going to be overly aggressive(or aggressed against) then it might not be the best idea. Who knows though, i've never personally kept gouramis. There are people here that know way more about these things than me, i just know that fish that get picked on don't last long.


btw i don't know that aggressed is a word, if so great, if not i think you get the idea. :D :D
Ok, gotcha...

I think I will add the Angels, SAE, Keyholes, Rams, and then go from there. Heck that may be more than enough fish just like that.
I think I will add the Angels, SAE, Keyholes, Rams, and then go from there. Heck that may be more than enough fish just like that.

Dont forget a couple Cories! No FW community tank is complete without a couple Corydorus Catfish! Cute little buggers, and everybody loves them.
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