Tell me if they are healthy (pics included)

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 19, 2003
Beacon, New York
This my first attempt at keeping Montipora and Acropora, i got these frags yesterday ant they look like they are stripping at the tips. Are they healthy, or is something wrong?
Well, first, you don't have any Acropora :mrgreen:

I don't particularly like the look of the bare spots on the Seriatopora hystrix (birds nest), but really need to see a macro to tell you anything. The thing to look for with the seriatopora is RTN, and bleaching. The bleaching is more problematic with the seriatopora, cause it seem to attract hair algae. I'd really like a close up of the bare spots on the limbs if you can get one.

The monti's look like they were simply abraided, possibly they are growth tips, but it doesn't really look like it to me. Is there any excessive sliming coming from the corals?
I dont see any sliming coming off the corals. That bare spot on the Birds Nest does not look like it's loss tissue, but a bleached spot.
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