Recent content by chenyi

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. C

    Should I change my gravel?

    I just had a crazy idea. I could try adding a potted plant with some kind of different substrate. That's brilliant! But what should I put in the pot?
  2. C

    Should I change my gravel?

    I got my aquarium for free from a teenage kid. It came with gravel, so I used it. I have had my tank for years, but it never really worked well. My gravel has some weird marbles and glass beads in there. What is the chance there is something unhealthy in the rocks? I don't even know if the rocks...
  3. C

    O2 vs CO2

    I have a 10 gallon tank. Just 2 small fish at the moment - a pleco and a rasbora. The other 2 rasboras died when I went on vacation because the house smart thermostat lowered my whole house to 56 degrees. I think the little aquarium heater didn't have the wattage to compensate. One big java...
  4. C

    O2 vs CO2

    Based on my research, I want to have a calm surface to minimize CO2 escaping. But at the same time, I want to have a choppy surface to dissolve oxygen. How do I navigate that? I have a HOB filter, so my water is always choppy. Could that be why my plants don't do well? Should I test the CO2...
  5. C

    Please help my plants

    Okay. This is my tank water. I'm going to try thinning the plants out. Maybe I am trying to do to much with just the 4 fish in there.
  6. C

    Please help my plants

    I have been dosing with Flourish and Excel. Doesn't seem to be making any difference. I got the $6 test done. Does anything jump out?
  7. C

    Please help my plants

    Okay. I should have done the in-depth test while I was there. It's only 6 bucks. I'm a moron.
  8. C

    Please help my plants

    I have had the plants for a couple of years. It's not a new problem. The black does not rub off. It is just death. In the worst spots, the leaves crumble apart. pH is 7.4 Ammonia is 0 Nitrite is 0
  9. C

    Please help my plants

    My plants don't look healthy. But they don't look like any of the pictures online. There is no yellowing or pin holes or dark veins or whatever might indicate something specific. Some parts look healthy. Some parts have big chunks of black. It is a 10 gal tank with 3 brilliant rasboras.
  10. C

    Lighting Recommendation?

    I have green stuff growing on my rocks and glass and plants look sickly. It did seem better when I put the tape on. I think reducing the light will definitely help. I contacted the manufacturer of my light and they said it was not dimmable. I think something with a dimmer or different options...
  11. C

    Lighting Recommendation?

    I put tape over my light to prevent algae. The light burned through the tape. I guess I need a new strategy. My Nest thermostat has a presence sensing feature. When nobody is home, it goes into eco mode. I presume I could get a smart plug for my aquarium light and add that to the routine in...
  12. C

    What's this?

    What is this stuff? It seems to be growing around my java fern and choking it.
  13. C

    How Often to Deep Clean

    Okay, that was kind of what I thought. But it doesn't seem to be working for me. I have "java fern lace". I think maybe this particular plant sheds a lot. I like the idea of cleaning one section at time.
  14. C

    How Often to Deep Clean

    My gravel gets filthy. The siphon helps, but there is still crap everywhere. I have to take everything apart and wash the gravel and deep clean. Is that normal or should it stay clean indefinitely with water changes and filtration? Or do I happen to have very messy plants?
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