Recent content by DC634

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. D

    For Sale: Misc plants for sale

    I have a misc assortment of plants for sale. Let me know if you want better pictures of certain plants. Full list and prices below for plants. Shipping cost separate from plants. I Prefer local pickup in DFW if possible Crypts (undulata & Wendtii brown): $5(LG), $4 (med), $3(sm) each Ludwigia...
  2. D

    Plant issues

    I have had this tank set up for 8-9 months now. And these plants came from a different tank I have back when I first started this tank. fyi: Light: Beamswork DA FSPEC CO2: 1.5 bbp
  3. D

    Plant issues

    Can someone identify the issue with my tank? My plants keep getting greenish spots on the leaves and some edges start to turn brown/black. My nitrates are at 5 ppm and phosphates at 0.25. I do not know what else it could be if not a deficiency on one of those.
  4. D

    Pressurized CO2 issues

    I have already done that when I first noticed it and there was no leaks.
  5. D

    Pressurized CO2 issues

    I cannot find the regulator output pressure. This is the regulator...
  6. D

    Pressurized CO2 issues

    No I do not. But the funny thing is if I disconnect the tubbing just above the bubble counter (bubble counter still on) than it works just fine. Or if I take the bubble counter off then it works just fine.
  7. D

    Pressurized CO2 issues

    So it has been a few days now and still nothing has changed as far as how many bps I can get.
  8. D

    Pressurized CO2 issues

    I have it the correct way, I guess I will wait and see if it sorts itself out with the back pressure. Thanks
  9. D

    Pressurized CO2 issues

    Hey Guys, I am having an issue with my new co2 system. I have had pressurized co2 systems for a while now and never had this issue. I recently bought a new set up for a new tank. My issue is no matter how high I have the needle valve turned up I get the same bps. The issue only happens when I...
  10. D

    Unknown Plant Deficiency

    So bump the NilocG up to 2x and take out the florish potassium? Or keep the extra Potassium too? Should I also lower my light to 5-6 hours too or wait to see the effects of the extra ferts?
  11. D

    Unknown Plant Deficiency

    I am not 100% sure If I am calculating this correct. Heres a link to the bottles I am using that you can double check on: The bottle shows this...
  12. D

    Unknown Plant Deficiency

    So for the most part you are saying its a CO2 deficiency? What would you consider that Beamswork light to be? Low/med/high light? I always thought it to be low light. If med/high light I should get a dimer or a pressurized CO2 system? Eventually I want to get a CO2 system for this tank. I have...
  13. D

    Unknown Plant Deficiency

    Hey All, I have been having issues trying to figure out what is wrong in my planted tank. I am hoping that someone here can help me out. My tank info is: 29 gallon tank with eco complete substrate (4" thick) I run a Beamswork DA Full spec for about 7 hours a day Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate...
  14. D

    Plant Issues

    Alright, that's good to know. Thanks for all the help
  15. D

    Plant Issues

    I will need to test my tap and see what KH comes from there. My last KH reading was 7 after a 50% water change.
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