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  1. Danio8

    Platy beating up Tetra...

    I have a female platy who I've had for over a year now (She's actually the one in my profile picture). She is in a 20 gallon tall tank with a few other femal platies, 4 glofish tetras, 2 zebra danios, and 4 ember tetras. This might seem irrelevant, but I have a blue glofish, an orange one, a...
  2. Danio8

    Upgrading Tank Size

    I have had a 20 gallon tank for about a year and a half and I have decided to upgrade to a 40 gallon breeder. The filter I would be using is a Marineland Penguin 200, which has a filter rate of 200gph. The substate would be black gravel. My ph is around 8.2. I do plan on having plenty of live...
  3. Danio8

    Pond plants

    I have a 125 gallon pond that has both shallow and deep parts. The deepest part of the pond is 15ish inches deep. The pond is very shady and only gets about 2-3 hours of direct sunlight each day. It does not have a heater and the average temperature of summers here is about 75-80 during the day...
  4. Danio8

    Guppies in 5.5 gallons?

    I have a 5.5 gallon tank. It currently has 8 cherry shrimp and a sponge filter. It also a small Anubis, a crested Java fern, and a few juvenile normal Java ferns. I am wondering if a trio of male guppies would be overcrowding a tank of that size. I have a ph of 8.2 and the tank is cycled. The...
  5. Danio8

    Weird Worm Things?

    After doing a 90% water change yesterday, I noticed these tiny white things. I did another 50% water change today and after refilling the tank, I noticed them floating around again. I think they are worms because some of them seem to squirm around. I haven’t noticed them crawling around...
  6. Danio8

    Low kh

    I am planning to start a cherry shrimp colony in a 5.5 gallon tank. Ph: 8.2 Gh: 6 Kh: 0-1 Is it possible to have a cherry shrimp colony with that low of a kh? Should I get some crushed coral or just give up on the shrimp and get a beta or something. I would really like shrimp but if the water...
  7. Danio8

    Gourami Gender

    I have two honey gouramis that are both about 2 ish inches long. Can anyone tell the genders of these fish? Here are pictures The picture of the other fish
  8. Danio8

    Adding New Fish

    I have a cycled 10 gallon tank that currently has 1 honey gourami. I am planning to add 6 ember tetras as well. Is it ok to add all 6 tetras at once or should I add 3 at once, wait a week, and then add the other three? I would prefer to add them all at once but if that would overload the bio...
  9. Danio8

    What kind of Gourami is this?

    I recently picked up two honey gouramis from my LFS but now I’m not so certain they are actually honies. I have a suspicion that they might be sunset thicklip gouramis. I would say they are both about 1.5 - 2 inches. Let me know if you need more pictures.
  10. Danio8

    Snail with cracked shell

    I've got a 20 gal tank with 2 nerites and I used to have a Mystery Snail who died recently (it was about 7 months old but it also had a crack in the shell that developed maybe a month after I got it.). Today I noticed a crack in one of my nerites. It is still active and moving around like...
  11. Danio8

    Sick Danios and Tetras

    On 7/13 I added 2 GloFish tetras and a GloFish danio to my 20 gallon high tank which had 6 zebra danios in it I believe. I had inherited the GloFish from one of my friend who had housed them in a 3 gallon tank. Right before she gave me the GloFish, one if the danios died. That’s right. In her 3...
  12. Danio8

    10 gallon stocking

    I am planning to get a 10 gallon tank. I need some hardy species so I was thinking of getting: -6 Green Neon Tetras -4-6 Panda Cories(Or another small cory) -1 or 2 Nerites once the tank starts growing things. I have a ph of around 8.2. The filtration would be an Aqueon QuietFlow 20. The tank...
  13. Danio8

    Water Change Temperature difference

    I recently took in a male betta fish that was unwanted. It is still in the original 3 gallon tank with the gravel and everything. I added a heater (which keeps the tank at about 78 - 79 f) and a sponge filter to the tank. Everything seems to be going well. I just did a water change and realized...
  14. Danio8

    Hardy Fish (otos)?

    I am suggesting for my school to get a fish tank. I was thinking a 20 gallon (75 Liters) with 10-15 neon tetras. I was also thinking otos but after some research, I found there were many mixed opinions on how many otos in a 20 and how easy they are to take care of. Are otos a good easy...
  15. Danio8

    Cloudy Water

    My 20 gallon has been set up for about 3 months now and about a week ago it started getting cloudy. I think it is an algae bloom. I have an Amazon Sword and a couple Elodea stems in it. I don’t use any fertilizer except some root tabs I put in the gravel yesterday. I covered the tank with black...
  16. Danio8

    Enough time to get new fish?

    I just got 2 GloFish Tetras (3 days ago) and am wanting to get them friends because they are schooling fish. However, I am leaving on a 3 week long trip starting in the beginning of August. The current tetras are doing well, although, they have not eaten. I think this is normal and they have...
  17. Danio8

    What are the best fertilizers?

    I have a 20 gallon with an Amazon Sword and a couple Elodea stalks. The Amazon Sword hasn’t grown much in the 2.5 months I’ve had it and is starting to look a little brown around the edges. I did uproot it about a month ago and there was lots of new root growth. Anyway, I think it might need...
  18. Danio8

    Guppies and GloFish Tetras?

    I have a 20 gallon high with 7 Danios (6 Zebra, 1 GloFish) and 2 GloFish tetras. My tank is fully cycled and I was think about getting 4 guppies. Will the tetras nip at the guppie’s fins? I really like guppies but I wouldn’t want to put them in a tank where they would die. Any opinions?
  19. Danio8

    How many fish?

    I am currently installing a 125 gallon pond in my backyard. I already know I want to get Rosy Red minnows but I don’t know how many. I only want enough to eat the mosquito larvae, mosquitoes, and other small bugs. I am thinking maybe 5 or 10. I know a 125 pond could hold about 50 minnows but I...
  20. Danio8

    Goldfish with bump

    I have recently acquired 2 feeder goldfish from a friend (She feeds them to her snake but these two were too big. I do not believe she has a tank setup.). Upon receiving them, I noticed one had a white lump on its back. I am keeping both of them in a one gallon fish bowl (I know it is bad to...
  21. Danio8

    Dying Guppy Please Help!

    Please help. One of my female guppies is dying. I just got her along with 4 other guppies, 1 male and 3 females. I just got another male today. All the other fish seem to be doing just fine. Please help, I don't want her to die. :( 1~What type of fish is afflicted? Female Elephant Ear Guppy...
  22. Danio8

    Ph too high?

    I just tested my tank to see what its ph is. I was just curious and didn't test it because my fish were acting sick or strange. According to the API test, the ph is 8.2. I also tested my water and the ph in that is 8.0. I have Guppies and Zebra Danios and I want them to be comfortable. Is my ph...
  23. Danio8

    Recommendations for small outdoor pond

    Does anyone have any plant or fish recommendations for a 125 gallon outdoor pond. In the summer it usually drops down to about 40 fahrenheit and is 70 - 80 fahrenheit in the middle of the day. The pond gets full sunlight around noon and mostly shade the rest of the day. We have racoons so we...
  24. Danio8

    Plant Soaked in Bromothymol Blue Safe for Tank?

    I have a friend who loves science. This week she did an experiment involving putting a strand of Elodea in Bromothymol Blue for about a week. I asked for the piece after she was finished because hey, free aquarium plant! Anyways, is it safe to put it in my tank? I plan on soaking it for a few...
  25. Danio8

    Zebra Danio Overfed or Pregnant?

    I just got 3 Zebra Danios a couple days ago and one looks like it might be pregnant but i'm not sure. I am not sure if it is male or female either. It is smaller than the other 2 with a more rounded belly. Can anyone give me their opinion? I know the pictures are terrible. I can take better...
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