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    Passenger's TopFin 5

    Howdy all. Stepped away from the forums for awhile after some life changes, but never stepped out of the hobby. Figured I'd come back around since I'm starting this tank (again). Last October I divorced my ex wife, and downsized my fish hobby to only my 75 gallon cichlid tank. FF to December I...
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    Are all diffusers/drop checkers created equal?

    Recently picked up a pressurized co2 system from IAmACoolGuy for my planted nano. I still need to purchase a diffuser and drop checker. Ceramic diffusers are my only viable option for my tank, are any of them better than the other? I see them ranging from $4-5 to around $20, yet they all look...
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    Question for Dirt Pro's

    I'm just a few days away from setting up my 5 gallon. It will be dirted using Miracle Grow Organic Choice Potting Mix with a sand cap. Currently tossing ideas around in my head on finalized hard scape and I am curious. How much can I slope this substrate? As in how much of a sand cap is too...
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    TopFin 5g rimless

    Has anyone used this kit? It has perfect dimensions to fit the space I'm looking to put a small tank. Hoping one of you guys or gals has it and can answer some questions for me. Jesse
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    Pleco ID Please

    Stopped by my LFS and picked this Pleco up that I believe was mislabeled. They called it a common, but it doesn't look like a common Pleco to me. Someone had suggested female BN. What do you guys think? Around 3.5-4" long Jesse
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    The FOOD thread - What's Cooking!?

    Noticed we have a lot of foodies around here, and anyone who enjoys any hobby knows that sharing tips and techniques opens up new worlds. Let's see what you guys (and gals) got cookin! Jesse
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    Let's talk DIRT

    Looking to hear peoples first hand experiences with dirted tanks. What type of dirt you used, what cap, what plants were and were not successful, what issues you had etc. Jesse
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    Temporary Recipe For Success?

    Looking for some insight from you experienced planted tank folk. As some of you know, I'm in the middle of closing on a house, but at the same time I'm itching to set up the 20L I've had for the past few months. With that said, I'm wanting to give something a try but I'm afraid of the chance of...
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    Goeldiella eques catfish - fox face/horse face Pim

    Walked into my LFS today, and the owner ,knowing my love of catfish, spastically told me she had just gotten in a few "fancy catfish" that I would be interested in. She has 5 Goeldiella eques or fox face/horse face Pimelodella. These guys struck my interest. They just arrived, yet willingly ate...
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    Put a face to the screen name - Post your selfie!

    As people continue to forge friendships and camaraderies over AA, it's nice to be able to finally put a face to the name. Post yours! Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
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    Cheap no frills regulator?

    I'm on the hunt for a regulator so I can get my feet (hands?) wet on the co2 side of things. It seems the regulator is by far the most expensive item. I'm very close fisted, and do not splurge to buy unnecessary things. Are there any cheap, no frills regulators out there? Even the basic...
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    Starting tank with cured live rock?

    Been searching locally for deals to get my 75 running while staying as easy on the wallet as possible. A local, honest, hobbyist said he has 2-300lbs of cured rock to get rid of. Claims it has been in his system(s) for years. My question is this, if I buy 75-80lbs of this cured rock from him...
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    Let's Talk Triggerfish

    Let's talk triggers. My wife has been eyeballing a Hawaiian Black at the LFS for months, literally months. We recently picked up another tank and decided to slowly acquire the equipment and supplies to go salty. This means the wife must have a trigger. Fine by me, gives me an excuse to spend the...
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    Treating Columnaris - Paging CoralBandit and others!

    My African cichlid tank seems to have come down with some crud! I initially lost several 1.25" fry, and blamed it on aggression from a 5-6" fish in the tank. As the clock kept ticking I continued to lose fish and I realized it was not aggression causing deaths. The day I realized something was...
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    Overwhelmed newbie - Starting FOWLR, help!

    My wife has hounding me wanting a Niger Triggerfish. Ran across a deal on a tank today so I'm going to make her easily obtainable dream fish a reality. I'm not quite sure every thing I need. This is where I get overwhelmed to the point of running away. Here is what I THINK I need. Please set me...
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    Looking for suggestions on dithers for a tank with a JD and GT. I really enjoy the looks of lemon, and cherry tetras but I'm not sure if they'll be quick/tough enough to withstand a thrashing if something goes south. The JD is laid back sub adult around 5-5.5" and the GT is a small juvie. I'm...
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    Hemichromis guttatus (red jewel) housing?

    An in-law of mine gave me eleven 1.25-1.5" fry and a 3" sub/adult a few days ago that were also given to him. I have no experience with these fish, nor do I personally know anyone who keeps them. I've tried researching and seem to get mixed answers on housing. I understand they are African, but...
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    Importing fish

    My father is visiting in-laws in Guatemala for the next few weeks. How difficult would it be for him to ship me live/wild caught fish? Anyone done this? Jesse
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    Let's see your car(s)!

    I noticed there seems to be a lot of gear heads on here and thought it would be cool to see other people's rides. Show us a picture and tell us a little about it!
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    Freshwater Symbiotic Relationships

    Does anyone know of any freshwater species that have symbiotic relationships? Kind of like in saltwater with the clown fish and*anemone*or the goby and pistol shrimp. Figured this could be an interesting and knowledgeable topic.
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    55g and 65g hex redo and swap

    Operation: Redo - 55g & 65g hex rescape Figured I would make a thread to show what I'm doing with my two main tanks, and to help me keep track of things. Standard 55g and a 65g hexagon. The 55g is currently housing my African cichlids, and the 65g hexagon is housing a Jack Dempsey, Green...
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    Snail ate fish (warning)

    Yes you read that correct (unlike a previous thread someone made). Went out town to do some errands, came home and my 5 year old came running telling me a snail was eating a fish lol. Walked over and looked, sure enough, a mystery snail was sucking on an expired emerald Cory. I'm sure the snail...
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    Calling all light nerds

    I have a question for all you light nerds out there! <3 I've grown quite tired of the extremely old fluorescents that sit atop my 55g. I'm looking for a 48" LED fixture with "moonlighting". That is the only requirement. I would ALSO love something dimmable and fully controllable as far as...
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    Treating Ich On Scaleless fish - Malachite Green?

    While sitting at our dinner table tonight, my wife noticed our tinfoil barb flashing. Upon further inspection, I have two (new) Pictus cats with the dreaded white spots. I immediately upped the heat and dashed to the fish med supplies and began looking for treatment. I have two on hand, Ick...
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    What should I do with extra 29g?

    Traded around on a 29g tank that was too cheap to turn down. We currently have 3 tanks running, and I hadn't planned on adding another tank until we buy a house. However, this empty tank sitting around is tempting me to say the least, haha. What would YOU do if you had a spare 29g at your...
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