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  1. C

    Nitrates and Ammonia Problem

    Thank you very much for the advice ... I tested the source water and it's all normal. Been suctioning the gravel but I think my suction tool is too small so I'm going to go buy a bigger one. Touch wood, no more deaths, but my one platy doesn't look so great.
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    Nitrates and Ammonia Problem

    Hello. I have a 15 gallon tank and I'm having a massive problem with extremely high nitrate levels (over 250mg/L). Currently, my tank runs at about 25-30°C with it being summer here, I have a fan cooler running. I currently have 3 platys, 2 danios, 3 snails and a plec in my tank. I have about 5...
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    Platy with large growth on nose

    Hi there. I have an old Platy female that has a large growth on her "nose" and it's just getting bigger. Non of the other fish have any growths. Is this cancer and do you think it is painful for her? I couldn't take a clear photo because she is very active and moves around a lot.
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    Betta turning blue

    I bought a Betta about a month ago that was metallic blue with white blotches and red in its fins. It is now losing its white and is going completely blue. Is my fish becoming stressed and unhealthy or is it possible that he was unhealthy when I bought him? He was being kept in a tiny glass...
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    Vanishing Fish

    I came home yesterday and noticed that 2 of my Danios had vanished. I have a cage on the suction of my filter with thin slats so they wouldn't have been able to have been sucked in. I moved all of my decor around and checked all around the tank to see if they had jumped out but I couldn't find...
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    Nerite snails very inactive and acting strangely

    I usually change water every 3 days and replace about 30%.
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    Nerite snails very inactive and acting strangely

    I added 4 Nerite snails to my 3 Gallon Betta tank 2 weeks ago and they were super active and did a fantastic job of cleaning up my tank. I moved 2 of them to my 15 Gallon tank because I was worried that there wouldn't be enough food for them all in the small tank. I did my last water change for...
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    Merging 2 tanks

    Thank you all for the advice. I want to do what is in the best interest of the plecos so I will take them to my local aquarium shop. As for the danios, can they be added to the 15-gallon tank or would it be a bit overcrowded?
  9. C

    Merging 2 tanks

    I have a 3 gallon tank with one small common plecostamus and 4 neon danios in it - they seem to be doing quite well. I keep a close watch on my water parameters and do water changes often. I have inherited a 15 gallon from someone that is moving and can't take it with them and it has 4 red...
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    Danios in a 3 Gallon Tank?

    I'm not sure if the tank has cycled yet. I have only been able to get a pH and Nitrites test from my aquarium shop but am ordering a pack of 6 in 1 strips online so am waiting for those to arrive. I tested pH and Nitrites on Saturday and the pH was about 6.3 and the nitrites was about 0.5 mg N /...
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    Danios in a 3 Gallon Tank?

    I am very new to keeping fish as pets and I, very irresponsibly, hurried into getting an aquarium without doing proper research. I started out with a 1 gallon tank and 7 neon danios and 1 plecostomus (the pet shop assistant said this was fine) but I very quickly learned that this was a huge...
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    Neon Orange Danio Bloated

    Thank you very much for the advice. I put some shelled peas in and it seemed to work - the bloating has gone down significantly. :)
  13. C

    Neon Orange Danio Bloated

    Good day, I have posted my question according to the format suggested on the thread. I'm concerned that one of my danios has dropsy or bloat. 1. What's wrong? I have a neon orange danio that is very bloated. I do not see any pine coning of the scales though. It still has a great appetite and is...
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