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  1. G

    ADF With Lump on Back, Losing Weight Rapidly

    Hello! I have a 10gal tank with a cory catfish, a male crowntail, and two African dwarf frogs. They have all been in there together for about 8 months now, and seem to be relatively problem-free. However, my concern is currently targeted on one of my ADFs, Quasimodo. I got Quasi and his friend...
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    Cichlid Stocking Ideas 29g Semi-Agg

    Nvm, decided to do more research before posting. Sorry for the inconvenience!
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    Algae growing fast in my betta tank

    We did that in our I have a mystery snail infestation and four times the algae :'(
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    Cichlid Stocking Ideas 29g Semi-Agg

    I currently have a 29-gallon aquarium, and am hoping to create a semi-aggressive environment. I have thought about gouramis and rams, but also have been looking at yellow labs, firemouths, and blood parrots. I would love any advice on stocking, as I do understand that a 29-gallon isn't the...
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    That's cool! I have an angora mix as well as two moggies :) I currently have a 10g (37l) with a betta, cory, AFDs and snails, as well as a 5g (18l) with a betta and snails.
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    Help! Looking for beginner cichlids for a 29-gallon semi-aggressive tank

    Might try Venezuelan rams or Cockatoo Dwarfs, will ask my mother her opinion. :)
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    Help! Looking for beginner cichlids for a 29-gallon semi-aggressive tank

    Thanks for responding so quickly! I believe rams are a cichlid, but I could be wrong as I am new to the aquarium world. I'm only allowed to get a few at a time due to household restrictions, and have to wait until my guppies die off (my mother currently has a peaceful community tank, probably...
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    My African Dwarf Frog has disappeared!

    Have had African Dwarf Frogs for a few years now, males have what appears to be a goosepimple behind the front limbs, around the "armpit" area. ADFs can also change gender, depending on the pH in the water, the temperature, and the gender of the other frogs in the tank. In my experience, males...
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    Help! Looking for beginner cichlids for a 29-gallon semi-aggressive tank

    Used to raising community aquariums and bettas, hoping to start a semi-aggressive aquarium. So far I'm looking at a cichlid or two and possibly some barbs and loaches, not sure what to look for. Only experience with semi-aggressive tanks would be when my mom had a single parrot cichlid, and my...
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