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  1. L

    Fin Biting or Fin Rot?

    haha yes occasionally he will eat the freeze dried ones if i break it up but I think i might try the frozen bloodworms, I'm just not sure if my local fish store sells them; thanks for the suggestion I'll definitely try it! But yes those bug bites are great :lol:
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    Fin Biting or Fin Rot?

    I just did a 25% water change and replaced with purified water to even the gh out again. I'm restarting the dosing as the instructions say and ill keep you updated. I also think I was doing too large of water changes which may have contributed to the medicine not working (may have been more at...
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    Fin Biting or Fin Rot?

    Right I had figured I made that mistake — the instructions said 4days apart with water change in between. After dosing twice I was away for like 3days and didn’t trust anyone to dose so I ended up doing it 6days apart. The second time I geniuenly forgot 😭👍. But I was also wondering if it could...
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    Fin Biting or Fin Rot?

    Hi again, It's been about a month. I originally dosed every 4 days with a water change in between. After about 2 doses the immediate redness went away and he seemed good. I kept him in the 5g hospital tank and dosed twice more 6 days apart with a 50% water change. He seemed alright, no regrowth...
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    Fin Biting or Fin Rot?

    Just wanted to follow up: I went with the Jungle Fungus Clear as it was the item that would ship the fastest, I set up a five gallon hospital tank a few days ago with 50/50 distilled water and my house water, it successfully brought the GH down to around 30-50ppm and the PH stayed relatively the...
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    Fin Biting or Fin Rot?

    I just used a api test strip here’s the results: Nitrate: 20ppm Nitrite: 0ppm PH: 6.0 KH: 40ppm GH: about 140ppm
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    Fin Biting or Fin Rot?

    haha right, sad but true On another note: it definitely is fin rot, this morning I noticed red around the damaged area and his fins are rapidly like disappearing. I don't know how to treat this and I'm really worried, I've never experienced fin rot, what can I do? Is it something that can be...
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    Fin Biting or Fin Rot?

    Got it! I'll do more water changes then. Currently I am feeding him a mix of the betta fluval bug bites and north fin betta bits, I've tried things with brine shrimp and even live food but he never seems interested.
  9. L

    Oil surface cause may be damaging my tank?

    Again I don’t really think I have enough experience to say specifically what could be killing your fish, but people have said that a biofilm on the top of your tank could inhibit oxygen exchange in the tank, another reason to possibly add an air pump; but I honestly don’t think that is the...
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    Fin Biting or Fin Rot?

    Hi, He is in a 10g tank by himself, heavily planted with no sharp decor. I change the water every three weeks because the plants do a lot of the work, and I try not to disturb him because he gets scared by literally anything. I also haven’t tried any treatment because of this. Parameters are...
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    Oil surface cause may be damaging my tank?

    Not sure about the deaths, but I had an oily surface in all of my tanks due to low water movement and the only thing that absolutely worked for me was an airpump! You can get them on amazon for like 5$, but they disturb the water's surface without increasing flow. If you have high flow and an...
  12. L

    Fin Biting or Fin Rot?

    Hi, I'm really reaching out now because I literally have no clue on what to do: A few months ago (probably like january), my betta started getting huge parts of his tail ripped out. I thought it was some sharp wood in the tank, so I removed most decor and left only a few plants. With no...
  13. L

    neon tetra dying - help

    alright! thank you.
  14. L

    neon tetra dying - help

    Here's a few more videos. I think it might be something wrong with his swim bladder now, he's kind of like going in spirals. I looked on an older post, someone had a similar issue after feeding expired food. So maybe the expired brine shrimp was the cause.
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    neon tetra dying - help

    I just fed them, the only thing that really sets him apart is how thin he is, because I'm watching them now and it doesn't seem like he's eating, I could be just not noticing though. What's weird to me is that he's always by himself and swims in like jagged small circles so like you can always...
  16. L

    neon tetra dying - help

    Just found the sixth.. he was in the filter. definetely dead. I have the quiet flo 10. I find it hard to believe he got sucked in, so probably died last night and the filter scooped him up. very gross to see. Anyways, I'm not sure if he died from the same illness, but if so, is it something i...
  17. L

    neon tetra dying - help

    Hi, today I noticed one of my tetras is twitching, and very skinning compared to the rest of the school, and kind of off on his own. Loss of color, kind of swimming diagonally at a tilt but like not to an extreme amount If he is sick and it's un curable, no worries but I would really like to...
  18. L

    Honey Gourami not eating

    just added some instant brine again, only using it because it's bouyant, obviously its for fry so i dont know how sustainable it would be but the honey is eating it. I think he's just having trouble getting the pellets because they sink so quickly and I have to sink them because he won't go to...
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    Honey Gourami not eating

    I use the quiet flow 10g, but I have a piece of filtration by the waterfall part that slows the flow down, I used it for my betta and have just kept replacing it. I would change the temp but I wasn't sure if the green tetras would be alright with it. Where do I get frozen or gut loaded brine...
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    Honey Gourami not eating

    5 green tetra, they seem fine and give the honey its space I'm not sure what the place was feeding them, but she hand picked the food for me. I can go back and check but I have a feeling it's live brine shrimp Water movement is literally none haha, I have an airpump that I put in to increase...
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    Honey Gourami not eating

    Hi, Just got my honey gourami in a planted 10g three days ago. It eats dead plant debris, and the first day took a small bite of fish food. I've tried small pellets, larger more noticable pellets, freeze dried brine shrimp and bloodworms, and instant baby brine shrimp, but my honey won't...
  22. L

    Stocking question for a planted 10g

    Sounds great, I'll look into rasboras. The filter has stayed on for about a week since my betta wasn't in the tank and I had been adding larger amounts of food to try and keep the cycle. I dosed the tank with benefical bacteria but I will stick to just adding a few fish for now, thanks!
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    Stocking question for a planted 10g

    The tank is already cycled! Sorry I didn't specify. It was my bettas tank before I just meant I was changing the decor :) What are some other alternatives to neon tetras? The owner suggested green neons since they are a bit smaller but i'm open to any small schooling fish that aren't livebearers
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    Stocking question for a planted 10g

    Hi, just went to my aquarium store to setup a new tank today. The owner helped me pick out the plants and decor, and gave me a few suggestions with how to stock it. I originally wanted a dwarf gourami, but here's her recommendation: 1 honey gourami unspecified amount of green neon tetras OR...
  25. L

    Plants dying - please help

    OKay, I'll go and test it today, I'm using the API test kit but I've heard those could be a bit dodgy sometimes It is a new plant, but the store I get it from already has the plants submerged so I didn't think that would be an issue. Once I get the water tested, how would I fix each possible...
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