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  1. H

    New tank not sitting totally flush on stand surface. How should I handle this?

    Thought I'd give an update here. I did wind up filling the tank, and the tank no longer wobbles at all on the stand. I've been measuring any differences in height of the tank and, so far as I can tell, it's pretty flat and level. The two left corners are both 0.5mm higher than the right...
  2. H

    New tank not sitting totally flush on stand surface. How should I handle this?

    I added in the sand. The wobble is reduced and the tank does seem closer to flush with the surface. I no longer see light gaps at the corners, though I'm still able to pass a piece of paper under one of them (but just an inch or two away I cannot). I spent some time leveling the stand and got...
  3. H

    New tank not sitting totally flush on stand surface. How should I handle this?

    Thanks. My current plan is to load in the sand and hardscape initially, which will probably be ~150 lbs total or so (I figure sand would be easier to clean if the tank burst than water). I'll check regularly to see whether the tank is twisting or leveling out. Replacing the stand is an option...
  4. H

    New tank not sitting totally flush on stand surface. How should I handle this?

    No, not initially. Basically 3 corners are sitting flush at any given time, and I can rock it back and forth to change which corner is slightly elevated (back right VS front left). I did add 50lbs of sand and a little water (enough to start leveling) and it definitely did reduce the gap. I can...
  5. H

    New tank not sitting totally flush on stand surface. How should I handle this?

    I'm setting up a 55 gallon long tank on a DIY stand. The DIY stand has a 3/4" maple plywood top. The tank is a plastic rimmed Aqueon tank. I found that the tank is leaning on its back rim and most of the front rim is not touching the stand. There's a small gap of about 2mm between the tank and...
  6. H

    Why do my cories keep dying?

    I got three albino corydoras from Petsmart a week or so ago, and two have since died, both times while I was gone for a day. I come back to find a pale and dead fish and quickly scoop it out. I've never seen any of the three eat, though I bought some sinking pellets and kept an eye on them...
  7. H

    Sealing a hole about the size of a dime?

    Cool. I bought the acrylic/silicone and sealed it up. I filled the container with water and let it sit for a few hours and didn't notice any leaks. Thanks for all the help guys!
  8. H

    Sealing a hole about the size of a dime?

    Would plumbers putty work? I found some lying around. If not I'll go by some silicone & acrylic.
  9. H

    Sealing a hole about the size of a dime?

    I don't think I have any spare pieces of glass that are small, but I'll take a look to see. I realized the hole is smaller than a dime. It's about 7/16" across. Hunting around, I'm not sure if they make rubber stoppers that small that are easy to find (though I'll likely go out later today to...
  10. H

    Sealing a hole about the size of a dime?

    I bought a cool container for a betta fish today at a thrift store for cheap. However, the problem is there's a small hole in the glass near the bottom of the container (there used to be a small spout there which I guess broke). The hole is about the size of a dime. How can I seal it so that...
  11. H

    10g tank taking ages to fishless cycle

    So I got my filters set up in a small bucket at home, and it's still chugging away converting ammonia->nitrite->nitrate. I just need to wait about 3 more weeks before I can move it back. Before leaving, it seemed to be done, which I'm excited about, so it's just a waiting game. I do have two...
  12. H

    10g tank taking ages to fishless cycle

    This link... Nitrification is a biological process during which nitrifying bacteria convert toxic ammonia to less harmful nitrate. ...suggests that it's approximately 1-to-1, but I'm not sure if I'm interpreting that correctly and/or if there're other factors that it's neglecting. Yesterday I...
  13. H

    10g tank taking ages to fishless cycle

    The heater shouldn't be too much of a hassle to bring, the main thing will probably be just making sure my filters are packed and won't leak. I think the tank is very nearly cycled (and may be fully cycled). I'm testing today to see if it could turn 4ppm of ammonia into nitrates. I just have a...
  14. H

    10g tank taking ages to fishless cycle

    How much stuff should I take back when it does come time to do that? Is taking my main filter and the active one that I bought going to be enough, or should I also transport my gravel/decorations? I know bacteria live in the gravel, but relative to the two filters, is it significant enough to...
  15. H

    10g tank taking ages to fishless cycle

    That active filter seems to have helped a ton! It drops ~3ppm of ammonia per day now, which is about 8 or 9 times faster than before. I'm already seeing nitrates appear too! My new challenge that I'm going to face is that I'm going to be gone for about 4 weeks (college student, going home for...
  16. H

    10g tank taking ages to fishless cycle

    So I cut some of the filter up and put it in with my main filter here and there. I still have quite a bit of the active filter left (I bought the 4" one, and my main filter is only for a 20g tank anyway). Any advice on what I should do with the rest of it? I was thinking of just using the...
  17. H

    10g tank taking ages to fishless cycle

    So I got the sponge filter today! I'm excited to see how it works. I'm just not sure what's the best way to use it. Do I put it in separately from my main filter? Do I put replace the sponge in my main filter with it? From looking into it a bit, it seems like I'm supposed to have a bubbler to...
  18. H

    10g tank taking ages to fishless cycle

    Seems to be about the same, I dosed it back up to four ppm. I also ordered a filter, thanks for the link! Hopefully this helps out.
  19. H

    10g tank taking ages to fishless cycle

    The pH right from the tap is about 7.6, but after letting it sit for ~20 hours it was about 8.2.
  20. H

    10g tank taking ages to fishless cycle

    Also just checked the pH, it's around 8.4ish. Is that too high?
  21. H

    10g tank taking ages to fishless cycle

    Looking around on the angelsplus site, I don't seem to be able to find the seeded filter, any chance at getting a link?
  22. H

    10g tank taking ages to fishless cycle

    I started out checking ammonia daily, with an occasional check of nitri/ates, though I slowed down in my frequency of ammonia testing once I realized the pace it was going at (I don't want to run out of solutions too soon). I've generally been letting the ammonia drop to ~1-1.5 before adding it...
  23. H

    10g tank taking ages to fishless cycle

    And thank you for the welcome :)
  24. H

    10g tank taking ages to fishless cycle

    I haven't checked pH in about a week, so I'll check it here and post it if it's different, but the other times I've checked it's been ~8.0. I'm using the Ace janitorial ammonia that's mentioned in the fishless cycling guide.
  25. H

    10g tank taking ages to fishless cycle

    I've been working on fishless cycling my 10g tank for a while now. I started the cycling process in late September, and right now it's at the point where ammonia is dropping, but the nitrites have been slow to show up. The rate at which ammonia drops is also really low and hasn't changed in ~3...
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