Fish In Cycle Guide.

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Aiken Drum

Site Team
Apr 10, 2019
Derbyshire, UK

Set up the aquarium, stand, filtration, lighting, heater if required and any other equipment. Fill the tank and run for 24 hours to ensure there are no leaks and that all the equipment functions correctly.

Drain the tank. Aquascape including substrate, hardscape and softscape. Refill the tank dosing a suitable water conditioner.

Test both your tap water and tank water for pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate to obtain baseline levels. If you detect any ammonia or nitrite seek further guidance.

If you have access to an established filter, put a small amount of filter media from the established aquarium into your new filter or squeeze out a sponge from the established filtration into the water of your new aquarium.

Turn on the aquarium filtration, lighting, heating etc. Run until the water settles to the desired temperature.


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Dose a bottled bacteria supplement as per the manufacturers instructions into the water. For example Dr Tims One and Only, Fritz Aquatics FritzZyme 7 or Fritz Aquatics FritzZyme Turbo Start 700.

After acclimating, add a small number of hardy fish. 1 small fish per 10 gallons/ 40 litres. For social fish like tetras in a small tank, add at least 3 fish.

Feed sparingly. As much as is eaten in 1 to 2 minutes every day.

Test daily for ammonia and nitrite. Add the test results together.

If the combined ammonia + nitrite is above 0.5ppm combined change water sufficient bring ammonia + nitrite combined below this 0.5ppm target. Remember to use water conditioner with every water change.

For example
If combined levels are 0.75ppm then change 1/3 of the water.
If combined levels are 1.0ppm then change 1/2 of the water.
If combined levels are 2.0ppm then change 1/2 the water twice a few hours apart.

Confirm levels are below the 0.5ppm ammonia + nitrite combined target by further testing. Change more water if needed.

If you have been below the combined target of 0.5ppm for ammonia + nitrite for 3 consecutive days do a 50% water change and proceed to STAGE 3 – FULL FEEDING. Remember to use water conditioner with every water change.

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Full feeding. As much as is eaten in 3 minutes every day.

Test daily for ammonia and nitrite. Add the test results together.

If the combined ammonia + nitrite is above 0.5ppm combined change water sufficient bring ammonia + nitrite combined below this 0.5ppm target. Remember to use water conditioner with every water change.

For example

If combined levels are 0.75ppm then change 1/3 of the water.
If combined levels are 1.0ppm then change 1/2 of the water.
If combined levels are 2.0ppm then change 1/2 the water twice a few hours apart.

Confirm levels are below the 0.5ppm ammonia + nitrite combined target by further testing. Change more water if needed.

If you have been below the combined target of 0.5ppm for ammonia + nitrite for 7 consecutive days and plan on adding more fish do a 50% water change and proceed to STAGE 4 – STOCKING THE AQUARIUM. If you don’t plan on adding anymore fish proceed to STAGE 5 – ESTABLISH A WATER CHANGE ROUTINE.

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After acclimating, increase the number of fish in the aquarium by one third.

Full feeding. As much as is eaten in 3 minutes every day.

Test daily for ammonia and nitrite. Add the test results together.

If the combined ammonia + nitrite is above 0.5ppm combined change water sufficient bring ammonia + nitrite combined below this 0.5ppm target. Remember to use water conditioner with every water change.

For example

If combined levels are 0.75ppm then change 1/3 of the water.
If combined levels are 1.0ppm then change 1/2 of the water.
If combined levels are 2.0ppm then change 1/2 the water twice a few hours apart.

Confirm levels are below the 0.5ppm ammonia + nitrite combined target by further testing. Change more water if needed.

If you have seen zero ammonia + nitrite for 7 consecutive days and plan on adding more fish do a 50% water change, increase the amount of fish again by one third and go through the process again until you are again seeing zero ammonia and nitrite. Once you are fully stocked proceed to STAGE 5 – ESTABLISH A WATER CHANGE ROUTINE.

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Establish a regular water change schedule to ensure that nitrate doesn't exceed 40ppm. Change at least 1/3 of the water every 2 weeks regardless. Remember to use water conditioner with every water change.

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