Lining the bottom inside of a tank before scaping

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Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
What do you use???

Before building,

SW often uses egg crate grate on the bottom.


Last year when my Innovative Marine tank was going to be SW I decided to forgo the egg crate and bought a plastic drop ceiling light cover panel like this

Just enough to help prevent scraping the glass and using the textured side up helps give the rocks something to grab a little to.

The egg crate seems like it would capture lots of gunk and get toxic pockets more easily and not allow burrowing snails convenient movement.

But then I wondered if it would leach out any thing toxic.

Also considered using either

wire rack shelf liner

or softer drawer liner Rubbermaid Con-Tact non adhesive liner

Thoughts/ experiences???
I have never used anything on bottom of any of my tanks ??
I know some do but it is not really needed.
Most I see doing this are new IMO and think they need too..
Hey Coral....
Quick question for my *first* tank guru
I have never used anything in the bottom of my tanks but I recently *discovered* I had somehow been blind to the fact the my 67g had no bottom trim, top yes bottom no. I definitely can't take it out of circulation for any more than a few hours as I just *lost* 2 of my largest tanks to seal leaks, one of the *joys* of used equipment ::facepalm::
The bottom edge of said tank IS suppoted all the way around but I am wondering if lining it with egg crate would help the gravel weight any more evenly.
I would not imagine flimsy plastic adding strength to glass ??? Maybe that is just me ?:ermm:
Love posting this video..Bum deal on bad seals ..I'll never buy a used tank again .
The tank is cheapest part of show usually..I hate scratches so most used tanks are un acceptable to me anyways ..
Wow, impressive video / job weighting down that tank!

Hmm, I haven't used anything in the bottoms either. Wondering with my new tank, the low iron glass scratches more easily and is more brittle.

I broke my other low iron tank bottom a few years ago when it slid out of my hand during cleaning it out and I raised up my leg/knee to stop the fall and the knee impact popped it (smaller 12G tank and much thinner). It wasn't tempered glass.

So dropping a rock / rock slipping off its spot, could cause a problem.

In the middle of setting up both tanks. The other is a Waterbox 2418

The bottom looks just like the glass of the sides - being low iron. Glass thickness is 12mm /.472 inches.

Ive never put anything under my substrate. Never seen the point myself.
There is a potential , particularly if you are using gravel, to create a point load beneath a rock. This can break the bottom. While it may be unlikely to happen, a friend lost 2 tank bottoms to this. After that he placed a piece of styro under each rock. The bottom frame serves to lift the bottom of the tank above a surface so it doesn't break from a point load from below. It really doesn't add any strength. If you have no bottom frame place it on styro. As for used versus new tanks, I have 3 I bought used that were returned to the store because they leaked when new. For me, the tank is the most expensive item in the setup, and I do like to save. Further, I have the first tank I ever built (rather badly I might add) that still holds water.
The wire rack plastic sheet is a little bit thick and comes in a 2 pack 18" x 48" so that is ideal in size.

For the Innovative Marine 4' tank and the low iron tank is half the length the 2 pieces would fit just right. And I still have the drop ceiling plastic 4'x2' which can be clipped to fit.

Guess I will order the wire rack plastic and can use it in the pantry for it's intended purpose if not used in the tank! Mostly I am concerned of breakage in the low iron tank.
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