My black neons keep dying.

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 17, 2010
I have black Neon's and they keep dying. My tank water is really good. I read they are bullet proof but they keep dying. Is there something I am doing wrong? Water quality is great. I do not know what I am doing wrong. They are supposed to be hardy fish, but they keep dying. Tanks water is 0 ammonia, 0 Nitrate, 0.5 Nitrites.
I have 40 gallon tank
I have black Neon's and they keep dying. My tank water is really good. I read they are bullet proof but they keep dying. Is there something I am doing wrong? Water quality is great. I do not know what I am doing wrong. They are supposed to be hardy fish, but they keep dying. Tanks water is 0 ammonia, 0 Nitrate, 0.5 Nitrites.
I have 40 gallon tank
TRITES are at .5 and TRATES are at 0? If that is accurate then it sounds to me like the tank is not fully cycled. Theres several different factors that could be causing sustained death of fish. Id start with water quality first. If on city water are you dechlorinating/conditioning water during water changes? If ypu have a local reliable fish store id check to see if they can test a water sample for you just to verify quality
TRITES are at .5 and TRATES are at 0? If that is accurate then it sounds to me like the tank is not fully cycled. Theres several different factors that could be causing sustained death of fish. Id start with water quality first. If on city water are you dechlorinating/conditioning water during water changes? If ypu have a local reliable fish store id check to see if they can test a water sample for you just to verify quality

My Nitrates in my 40 gallon are 0.5. My Nitrates in my 6.5 gallon tank are 10 to 20 ppm, and my Nitrates in my other 6.5 gallon tank are 0. My tank is cycled, except maybe for the one 6.5 gallon tank, though it reads 0 ammonia.
My 40 gallon tank is cycled and my Black Neon tetras keep dying. I do not have a pet store near me, to check my water quality. But I learning how to read my test kit.
I meant to say 0.5 Nitrates, not Nitrites. Sorry my mistake.
If you can, please post some close up pictures of some of the Neons. Singles or groups are fine. If you can't so stills, post a video with close ups of the fish. Far away shots will be of no value for diagnosing.
If you can, please post some close up pictures of some of the Neons. Singles or groups are fine. If you can't so stills, post a video with close ups of the fish. Far away shots will be of no value for diagnosing.

This AS close I could get, without it being real blurry. I also have 27 Black neon. In the pic their is about 6. They look healthy, but I can not understand why they keep dying. My water is good, so that is not it, they look healthy. I did get over the internet, maybe that is why. I do not know. :(:ermm:


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Here is another screen shot of my fishes.

Here is another screen shot of my fishes.


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Here is my video of my fish, looks clearer to watch.

This is way clearer than the photos I took. :)
I don't see disease on these fish and they are swimming normal so the issue could be just that it's "Their time" or you have males knocking off contender males for breeding rights as I see definite gravid females.
I don't see disease on these fish and they are swimming normal so the issue could be just that it's "Their time" or you have males knocking off contender males for breeding rights as I see definite gravid females.

What is a gravid females. Does that mean they look pregnant? I looked it up on yahoo and I was right. What happens if they lay eggs? Do the other fish eat the eggs? I found one of my fish stuck the filter hose dead. :confused::ermm:
What is a gravid females. Does that mean they look pregnant? I looked it up on yahoo and I was right. What happens if they lay eggs? Do the other fish eat the eggs? I found one of my fish stuck the filter hose dead. :confused::ermm:
In this case, because your fish are egg layers, Gravid means holding eggs so not pregnant. With egg laying fish, they can go a whole life and never release their eggs so it's not something you need to be concerned about. With Tetras, when they do breed, the male and female leave the school and spray eggs and sperm usually among fine leaved plants. If other fish are also in the tank when they breed, the other fish will eat them ( as will the parents). That's actually not a bad thing because fish eggs are one of the healthiest foods you can feed the fish.
Was the dead fish one of the skinnier ones or the fatter ones?
In this case, because your fish are egg layers, Gravid means holding eggs so not pregnant. With egg laying fish, they can go a whole life and never release their eggs so it's not something you need to be concerned about. With Tetras, when they do breed, the male and female leave the school and spray eggs and sperm usually among fine leaved plants. If other fish are also in the tank when they breed, the other fish will eat them ( as will the parents). That's actually not a bad thing because fish eggs are one of the healthiest foods you can feed the fish.
Was the dead fish one of the skinnier ones or the fatter ones?

Was the dead fish one of the skinnier ones or the fatter ones?
I could not tell, because the fish look tore up, rapped around the filter tube. :facepalm: Well if my fish ever do leave eggs. I will let my fish eat it. Since I do not breed fish, this would be the best Idea. :cool:(y)
Was the dead fish one of the skinnier ones or the fatter ones?
I could not tell, because the fish look tore up, rapped around the filter tube. :facepalm: Well if my fish ever do leave eggs. I will let my fish eat it. Since I do not breed fish, this would be the best Idea. :cool:(y)

For what it's worth, you'd probably never know it happened as the eggs are very small, clear and usually eaten before you realized it happened. ;) ( They usually spawn at first light of the day. )
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