10 gallon hex retrofit

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 3, 2003
columbus ohio
i have a ten gallon hex tank. Anyone know of where to find the kit to increase the wattage for me. Right now its a 8watt fluro. any links would be appreciated.
The fluro is 12 inches long
What are you wanting to go to? I suspect this is a plastic hood that usualy comes with tanks with a single Florecent tube.

The easist thing might be to build your own hood for the tank and install a couple Power Compact bulbs.
I agree with fishfreek. Check www.ahsupply.com for their 13w bright kits. They are pretty cheap and would be an easy retrofit. You might even be able to use a 32w PC...I can't remember how long they are.
alright so does anyone know where i can get a compact fluro that is 28/32 whats around 12-13 inches. I was told by a rep at ah supply that they do exist, i have not been able to find them.

Ah for some reason does not carry them. I want to get that and a ballast kit.

Thanks for all your help
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