advice for newbie?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 14, 2003
After envying you pond owners for years, I am finally getting my own pond! :D It's a mother's day gift from my husband. We bought a kit from Home Depot. It's 550 gallons, made by Beckett. We'll be using a liner, not a preformed kind.

I'm confused about conflicting info i've read. Is it ok to put my pond in a very shady area? Is the only reason to locate in the sun because flowering plants need the sun? I don't have any sunny spots.

I read that the pond should be 18 inches deep to overwinter fish. But I saw 36 (?) inches on this site, I think.

Where is the cheapest store for plants?

What other advice/guidance can you give me? Anything you wish you knew when you first got started?

Thanks -- I need all the help I can get.
Is it ok to put my pond in a very shady area? Is the only reason to locate in the sun because flowering plants need the sun?

go for the most sun you can get. Shady pond usually = trees around, you'll be forever cleaning leaves and twigs out, plus you will severlely limit your choice of plants you can grow, and whether they will flower.

Please read this review:

Best book I ever read about pond building and getting started.
I read that the pond should be 18 inches deep to overwinter fish. But I saw 36 (?) inches on this site, I think.

You are in Michigan? I'm thinking at least 24". But do your research, and you can find what the reall deal is for your area.

What other advice/guidance can you give me? Anything you wish you knew when you first got started?

Research, research, research! Aquariums you can fix, a pond is really tough to fix if you mess up! Read a few books, research the net, before even thinking about getting out the shovel! Very important to know what you are doing first!

Oh yeah, one more thing, digging a pond is HARD WORK!!!

I don't know how much help this was, but good luck, I love my pond, best outdoor thing in my yard!
Thanks for the input. My husband is ready to dig, but I don't think we're ready yet. I think I'll pick up the book by Nash. Many thanks.
Tell him to go walk around home depot and buy a shovel or something. Being a guy i'm sure he wants to dig more than anything, just keep him occupied at home depot(lowes or any other home improvement store will suffice). Send him early in the morning and you should see him around 3 or 4 in the afternoon, and at that point in the day its too late to start digging. This should work for about a two to three weeks before he wisens up. Just be prepared for extra costs as each trip to the home improvement store will result in some you NEED.....of course.

Just a thought.

Let him dig it. There is nothing you can screw up too bad by just digging a hole. Just make sure it is as deep as you will ever want it. A plant shelf is nice to have too. That is just a rim about a food deep around the edge to place potted plants on.
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