Betta wound???

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 21, 2017
Is my betta Orion wounded? He’s acting normal, but there is a scratch I think right above his eye!! There are no sharp objects in the tank or fish. (besides a snail) He’s eating and moving just fine. IMG_0774.jpgIMG_0773.jpgIMG_0772.jpg
Betta’s will try to wiggle into the tightest spaces. Looks like he rubbed off some scales. Just keep the water nice and clean and usually they heal up just fine.
I bought a plastic stone looking cave for my betta "Guppy", the kind with holes in the bottom that fill with water to make it sink. For a few days there were times I could NOT FIND him. He is in a 10 gallon with a small ramshorn snail and I swore Guppy jumped out and died I looked everywhere. He appeared after I left and came back. I noticed his fins have been ripped getting worse everyday. I couldn't find him again today so I made noise like it's feeding time and just sat there and waited. He was squeezing into the bottom hole of the plastic rock.. I had no idea they could get in such tight places. So relieved I just hope his beautiful fins grow back soon.
Fingers crossed! I had an old end of a leafy branch I tried one time and he seemed to be always checking some little part out. Very hard on his fins though.
That’s sounds horrible! Hopefully he heals up again. Also, thanks for all you replies! I’ll keep a close eye on him and do a slightly larger PWC than I usually do.
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