Drift wood!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 30, 2009
Hey i've bought me a large peace of drift wood.! I mean large. I've heard many different opinions and I wanted to know how long should i let it sit? The LFS stored folks ranged from 24-48 hours? I trust AA advice better because they all own SW at the lfs. I need real world experiences. lol...Whats your take? how long should i soak so it doesnt stain my water.:uzi::hat::n00b:
Depends on how long the wood have been aged (& the species) .... I've collected pieces from the wilderness. These had been there for at least a few seasons as I collected the ones that had waterlogged & sank. These never stain the water, as I assume that all the tannins had long been leeched out in nature.

For fresher wood, people have reported needing a few weeks of soaking to get rid of most of the tannins. You can certainly speed up the process by boiling the wood.
also it shouldnt harm the tank so you can just add it and wait it out. will prob turn your water yellow but some people like that.
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