Fluval404 AND wet/dry???

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 4, 2003
Ventura, CA
Planning a setup...I've got a fluval 404 w/ charcoal and biomax, a prism skimmer...

Do I need a wet/dry as well? If I do, is there an attachment or something for the fluval? The less hanging on the tank the better for me.

Any advice is appreciated! Thank You.
What size tank?

What is the flow rated on the 404?

Is this going to be a FO, FOWLR, or Reef?

If not reef...do you plan on using LR, if so, how much?
Thanks for reply.

65 gal tank, FO.

If I can safely do without, I had not planned on using LR.

I believe the flow rate on the fluval is 100gph (will verify).
If I can safely do without, I had not planned on using LR.
Yes you can do a fish tank without LR, although I think it is a better decoration than anything else. It will also act as a biological filter (base rock will as well).

65 gal tank, FO.

I believe the flow rate on the fluval is 100gph (will verify).

No, you should shoot for a filter capable of flowing 400-640 gph. You'll want 5-10 X turnover per hour for effective biological filtration. Even with the addition of LR or base rock, you would need more water movement and turn over than that. You might look into a wet/dry filter with an appropriately sized pump, or plan on adding some porous rock (LR or base rock) and some powerheads.
Actually, after looking it up ...the 404 is 360gph.

I'll take your advice and get LR. Do you think then I'll be safe without a wet/dry?
Do you think then I'll be safe without a wet/dry?

As long as you dont overstock your tank. Wet/dry's are crazy with how well they remove your tank of ammonia and nitrite. The more fish you have in the tank the more you will need effecent and effective ammonia removal. If you stick with lightly stocking your tank then your filtration should be adiquate. Should you stock your tank to heavily then yes extra filtration will be more benifit to you.

3-4 fish of 3-4" adult lenghts will do well for you.
I'll take your advice and get LR. Do you think then I'll be safe without a wet/dry?

I have a 65g FOWLR predator tank, I have run it may times without the wetdry, it runs just fine. I use one, simply because of the way that I feed that tank. I add tons to the bioload in one shot once or twice per month. If the tank were fed a reasonable amount every other or few days...I would not run a wet/dry at all. With about 1.5 lbs per gallon of LR and base rock you'll have plenty of surface are for nitirfication, all you will really need is flow.
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