Fw stingray

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 30, 2009

I'm thinking about getting a FW stingray. What are your thoughts or expertise on these creatures...They seem really kewl but i guess you really cant house much in the tank with them. I've had little luck find water parameters and food selection also compatibilty with a FW stingray. I'm teetering the Idea if you have any experience please let me know...:silly:
No experience, but I have seen them properly housed at one of our lfs ... They keep them in indoor pond with a sand bottom. According to them, you need a huge tank or a pond.
That would be pretty cool tho.. i stingray pond.. Sounds awesome IMO.
they are illegal in a few states. depending on what species you get will dictate what size tank you need. though general they need very large tanks.
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