Ghost shrimp eating endlers

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 1, 2014
Massachusetts, USA
I got up to get a drink late at night and decide to check in the fish when I see a gjost shrimp eating an endler! It was perfectly healthy, and swimming up to the tank to greet me, and I just hand fed them and raised them from fry and saw them go up into beautiful adults.. :mad: I am so angry right now. Those ghost shrimp are getting out of that tank!
This is where my chili endlers were dissapearing to. :nono:
I got up to get a drink late at night and decide to check in the fish when I see a gjost shrimp eating an endler! It was perfectly healthy, and swimming up to the tank to greet me, and I just hand fed them and raised them from fry and saw them go up into beautiful adults.. :mad: I am so angry right now. Those ghost shrimp are getting out of that tank!

This is where my chili endlers were dissapearing to. :nono:

I'm thinking a macrobrachium shrimp. Got any pics?

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I've heard this story before. Agreed with keegster, sounds like the macrobrachium.

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I got up to get a drink late at night and decide to check in the fish when I see a gjost shrimp eating an endler! It was perfectly healthy, and swimming up to the tank to greet me, and I just hand fed them and raised them from fry and saw them go up into beautiful adults.. :mad: I am so angry right now. Those ghost shrimp are getting out of that tank!
This is where my chili endlers were dissapearing to. :nono:
I feel your anger too.

For months I had been buying little tetras and guppies to live in my 5gal.. they all kept disappearing after a week. I thought it was my betta killing them then the shrimp and other fish disposing of them.. maybe even a wild gecko snatching them outta the water.

Turns out I had Microbrachium Nipponse. Once I put in a single guppy and observed the tank at random intervals over the course of two hours, I saw the biggest microbrachium in my tank, 2.5 inches in body length and around 3.5 with claws extended, grab a hold of the guppy and just start feasting on his fantail. Needless to say.. only the betta and some snails live there now, except for the dozens of micros. Since they require brackish water to reproduce I'm gonna wait until they eventually all die, then re-scape the whole tank and have only Neocaridinas. Or just remove them.. they were around a dollar and a half for 50-60.
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