Going insane! Winter Go AWAY!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Still 2 dagone feet of snow on the ground, trapped in my house with nothing to do (at least nothing I WANT to do).

I have all kinds of ideas for my pond, want to get moving on things!

I only have at present 4 kinds of submerged plants in the pond, I'm bursting with cuttings fron the aquarium that I want to try out there.

Also want to get some cuttings from one plant out there to try in my tank.

I'm sick and tired of keeping my tropical plants in here, want them outdoors! (Taro, umbrella plant, tropical lilly)

Totally spoiled by the past few very mild winters here, I WANT SPRING!!!

Just venting,

Im tired of RAIN!!! I can't have practice when there is an inch of water outside!

Thought I would give that venting thing a shot.
rain? you poor, poor guy. :roll: :wink:

it's just too darn cold here. 30 or more below windchill gets a bit old when i have to walk to campus every day.
Yeah, RAIN IS GONE! no more. Tennis courts are clear, and hockey is indoor. so yeah. have a match today (tennis) lets go Ragsdale High School!
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