Gold Pygmy Angel

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clownin around

Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 28, 2003
Colorado Springs CO
I just got this little beauty about a week ago. She seems to be thriving and healty. Scince she is a little unusal and not seen in the trade to often I thought I would post some pics and a little info about them.
Centripyge aurantia - they get to be about 4 inches long and are rather reclusive in the wild as well as in my tank. I have struggled to get a picture of her and this the best I have gotten thus far. She has irritated my Mushrooms a little but has left my Star polyp's and Xenia completely alone keeping my fingers crossed that this will continue! I read that these angels are close to being reef safe and so far so good. Having difficulty figuring out what to feed her I will get a sponge for her to pick on if it comes down to it though she is picking at the rock constiently so its hard to tell if shes eating anything or not. If anyone with Angels has any thoughts on this I would welcome any suggestions. She is very peaceful and doesnt really bother anything or any other fish. So far so good ! The pics are fuzzy I wil try to get better ones very soon!
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