Help - Water got cloudy over night and...

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 18, 2003
Northern Va
This particular tank has been set-up and running for about a year now. This all started when the fish got sick and I started to use Maracide in conjunction with Maracyn 2. Just the other day, I noticed small cloudy/fuzzy balls attached to some of the live plants. It looks almost like mold balls or something??? Then not thinking anything, I just took out the fuzz. The next day, the tank was very cloudy and I noticed more fuzz balls in the HOB filter. What is causing this?

I also noticed that one of my plants is dying which I think it is caused by the medication. There is some fuzz (not ball shaped) around the roots. Could all this stem from the dying plant?

Help please.... I dont want my fish to die.

That medication kills good bacteria as well as bad. Some adds for it say it will not if used as directed. (which means it CAN). Once your cycle is dirupted all kinds of critters can take hold. These critters are always present (algae, fungus, bacteria...) but just don't show up till theres a water quality problem. Check your ammonia and nitrites post your readings for us and keep vacuming the fuzzys out.
Cloudy water to me sounds like a break down of bacteria in the system, i don't know the medications that you named so i am not in a position to comment on them.
I would check your water parameters ammonia/nitrite/nitrate as scottw68TN said to see what damage has been done.

keep us posted.
Cloudy water

Hi, I have the same problem with the same medication, only I used CopperSafe by Mardel along with the Maracyne-Two. I have a 40Gal tank and the ammonia and all test just fine. So, I'm looking for the cause also

Bacteria and algae are always present when you kill off a big chunk of the good bacteria the others which compete for nutrients bloom. The cycle will settle back down on it own. You don't have to have an ammonia spike
I like Maracyn-2. It has saved a number of fish for me and I have never found an ammonia/nitrite rise while using it. But It always turns the water cloudy. It's not green cloudy, like an algea bloom. It's white cloudy. As far as little fuzz balls, the only time I have seen anything like that was un-eaten food it the bottom of a floating breeder. Are you doing the water changes that the directions suggest?

P.S. Even though the directions say you don't need to remove filter carbon, remove it anyway.
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