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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Feb 10, 2014
Ontario, Canada
I'm devastated. My male dwarf gourami is most likely dying on his side and he isn't moving except for his mouth and gills. I should've listened and returned him because I have another male in the tank but I wanted to wait until they got older since they were almost never aggressive with each other. I was actually going to return him this Saturday but I don't know what to do. ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1429228795.762716.jpg As you can see he is almost grey in colour and all the other fish in the tank are thriving. It's a 23 gallon long tank with two juvenile angelfish, another DG, five neon tetras and five zebra danios. The temperature is set at 24 degrees and I have an AquaClear 50 filter. I do weekly water changes and pretty thorough gravel cleaning every other week. Please help:(

Namirah?Canadian, Eh??
Its a fish............seriously don't be devastated!
If you raise guppies, you'd better get use to it. They have a tendancy to die a lot.
Thanks everyone. He died this morning. I removed him from the tank after posting because I knew he wouldn't make it anyways. :(

Namirah?Canadian, Eh??
I had one like this, he died. Same symptoms, he was just lying on a plant gasping and looking at me with his gray colour and glasses over eyes. Sorry you lost him.

29 gallon community
10 gallon gertrudae rainbow W.I.P.
I had one like this, he died. Same symptoms, he was just lying on a plant gasping and looking at me with his gray colour and glasses over eyes. Sorry you lost him.

29 gallon community
10 gallon gertrudae rainbow W.I.P.

I'm sorry for yours as well. I hope we can find something that will treat this soon, I hate to see fish suffer like that.

Namirah?Canadian, Eh??
I'm sorry for yours as well. I hope we can find something that will treat this soon, I hate to see fish suffer like that.

Namirah?Canadian, Eh??

Me too. It makes me feel like I am not doing my job as a fishkeeper.

29 gallon community
10 gallon gertrudae rainbow W.I.P.
Oh, and glassed over eyes, the fish wasn't wearing glasses.

29 gallon community
10 gallon gertrudae rainbow W.I.P.
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