Hi everyone....what a great and friendly website/forum!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 19, 2004
This is my new favortie forum!

I'm 23 years old and live just south of Boston, MA.
I've had fish since I can remember...but only salt water for about two years and then stopped for about three years....

I just bought a 75 gallon setup from a friend who had badluck with a salt water setup....

I had a 29 gallon reef a few years ago and it was perfect!! I moved and me being afraid to kill anything gave away my stuff to fellow fish friends!

Now I'm going for the FOWLR and eventually turning into a reef when myself and my wife move out of our apartment and into our own house!

I've learned so much from this site!!

Thank you all,
heck yeah it's the best!

It is nice to have other fishy people to share with, all my RL friends look at me crazy when I start talking about filtration and bioload and start spouting scientific names of my fishes. :D

"Who is that fish?"
"That is my alpha male aulonacara stuartgranti ngara."
"uh...I meant what's his name..."

Welcome. It is good to see new people that are already really involved in keeping fish. The board can always use a new infusion of knowledge.

to AquariumAdvice.com!!

This is my new favortie forum!


It is nice to have other fishy people to share with, all my RL friends look at me crazy

You sure aren't kidding!! I actually got an email from someone in the next town over that found me on another fish forum, I answered them and have got no response, that has been a couple days ago :(
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