My cool fish invention

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 17, 2010
My cool fish invention. To place a digital thermometer in fish tank, and it would digitally display numbers for ammonia, and Nitrates , and Nitrites. No more having to wounder if you are reading the test right. I was trying to read my ammonia test and it reads low, but I still have ammonia readings, again. At least I think so. It looked a-little green with yellow,
Something like this?

Check out the price though. And you only 25 of each tests before you need to buy new reagents, which are also bloody expensive.

Tetras test strips work with an app, where you take a photo of the strip and the app gives you test results based on how the camera reads the colour of the strip. I think i would rather trust my eyes. I work in building design and my CAD software displays the colour of materials very different depending on whether im at home on my laptop or in the office on a monitor. So i just dont trust technology to read colour for me.
My cool fish invention. To place a digital thermometer in fish tank, and it would digitally display numbers for ammonia, and Nitrates , and Nitrites. No more having to wounder if you are reading the test right. I was trying to read my ammonia test and it reads low, but I still have ammonia readings, again. At least I think so. It looked a-little green with yellow,

You mean like these?,aps,1758&sr=8-34,aps,1758&sr=8-40,aps,2760&sr=8-70

For the price of these, it's cheaper to just have a neighbor confirm what you see. ;) :whistle:

It looks like some people came with my idea. lol yes that is what I was looking for. I will have someone else look at my test and see what they think. You are right that is expensive. :whistle::thanks:
It looks like some people came with my idea. lol yes that is what I was looking for. I will have someone else look at my test and see what they think. You are right that is expensive. :whistle::thanks:

I the last 20 years or so, I've yet to see something new, just alternative ways of doing what is already known. :whistle: After spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn all that I know, I take the cheapest way of doing things over everything else. :D ;) For me, it doesn't have to look pretty, it just needs to work. "Function over form" (y)
My friend says the water look yellow.

I the last 20 years or so, I've yet to see something new, just alternative ways of doing what is already known. :whistle: After spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn all that I know, I take the cheapest way of doing things over everything else. :D ;) For me, it doesn't have to look pretty, it just needs to work. "Function over form" (y)

I used tap water and my friend says the water looked yellow. Not green. I did use purified water and my tank read high ammonia. It looked diff to me. I could not tell. My friend used to have fish. Yellow water means 0 ammonia from my test kit. She said it looked yellow. I ran out of spring water, so I used purified water and that is what I notice high ammonia in my tank. I took a chance using tap water. My test kit it looked a little green to me. My friend said it was yellow, she said it was not green. So my tap water is ok to use.
I used tap water and my friend says the water looked yellow. Not green. I did use purified water and my tank read high ammonia. It looked diff to me. I could not tell. My friend used to have fish. Yellow water means 0 ammonia from my test kit. She said it looked yellow. I ran out of spring water, so I used purified water and that is what I notice high ammonia in my tank. I took a chance using tap water. My test kit it looked a little green to me. My friend said it was yellow, she said it was not green. So my tap water is ok to use.
:facepalm: :facepalm: ;)

Unfortunately, we can only go by what you tell us since we are not there. Pics on a computer won't always show colors that you are seeing because it will all depend on the computer's settings. Maybe it's time to invest in a digital meter since colors are not your friend apparently. That or something like this: so that it is testing your tank water so you will see what's what.
Thank you

:facepalm: :facepalm: ;)

Unfortunately, we can only go by what you tell us since we are not there. Pics on a computer won't always show colors that you are seeing because it will all depend on the computer's settings. Maybe it's time to invest in a digital meter since colors are not your friend apparently. That or something like this: so that it is testing your tank water so you will see what's what.

Thanks I checked your link out. I will buy it. Colors are not my friend, nor my fishes friend for that matter. I think my ammonia is yellow. I tried not to stare for too long. I took to the naturel sun light, out my window. If I take to my kitchen I get a diff color. I was told natural sun light it the best. :cool:(y)
Thanks I checked your link out. I will buy it. Colors are not my friend, nor my fishes friend for that matter. I think my ammonia is yellow. I tried not to stare for too long. I took to the naturel sun light, out my window. If I take to my kitchen I get a diff color. I was told natural sun light it the best. :cool:(y)
That means your lighting in your kitchen is not natural so it will alter the test results. The results are based on natural sunlight so if you don't use that, you won't get the actual result.
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