need help with levels!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 8, 2003
Tustin, California
My tank is fairly new (approx. 5 weeks) and I am having a difficulty in achieving constant levels. Right now the ammonia levels are very high and the pH is at about 8-8.5. The fish are acting weird, and some don't look like they will make it. I added some pH down and instant bacteria tonight in hopes that it will help. The eel's upper body behind the gills appears to have a prominent curvature or bend. It does not look good. Does anyone have any experience on what that might be or what caused it? Online I see pictures of eels with a slight curvature, but it almost looks like a kink of some kind. Does anyone have any ideas as to how the levels can be corrected without shocking the fish to death? Thanks again for all your great advice!
Sounds like you need to do a water change. If the ammonia is extremely high, and has been there for a few days, you may lose the fish. Ammonia burns their gills and the damage is not reversible. It will be dificult to maintain constant levels of anything until the tank cycles. The fact that your pH is that high makes me wonder A) What is the pH of your tap water? B) What kind of substrate and rocks do you have in the tank? C) What kind of fish do you intend to keep?
As far as the eel goes, I would think he is being poisoned by the ammonia levels. That's just a guess though...I don't have any experience with eels.
Logan J
Do you have anything in the tank that you think would alter the pH. I think the eel will have a tough time getting out of that situation, my rubber eel that I had died, it sounds somewhat similiar, I came home to him "sheding" his skin from a week away, the ammonia was very high, therefore I think my neighbor fed way too much.

I would not add anyfish until the tank is perfectly normal.
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