New tank, what do I need?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 24, 2003
Champaign, IL
I am leaving college todday, and want to start my tank up again. What do I need as far as equiptment, and please include an approximate price I would expect to pay for it. The tank is the size of the ones you find stock in at petsmart, I don't remember how many gallons that is. All I intend to keep is tetras. And maybe some zebra danios or clown loaches.
Really need to know what size tank it is before any recommendations for equip can be least specific ones. Petsmart keeps tanks from about 10-90 gal in stock here. What are the measurements of the tank?
Logan J
If it is a 20L (I think it is), then you will need about 4 bags of gravel (10.00), I would go with an Emporor 280 filter (45.00) or a Penguin 170 biowheel (30.00) and a 100W heater (20.00), and a thermometer (2.00). That is the basics I guess, if your using tapwater, you'll want some water conditioner (3.00), oh and you'll need a decent test kit to test for ammonia, nitrite, PH and nitrate (20.00).
OK...been a long day at work and I'm kinda dense right now :mrgreen: . You're probably right about the tank size and I agree with the equipment list. I would strongly suggest spending the extra money on the Emp 280 though...IMO it and the 400 are the finest HOB filters available for FW use. If you decide to go with a Penguin, definitely get the 170. I've had two of the 125's and neither one was any good...the 170's work well though, just not as good as the Emp. I would also recommend either a Visi Therm or an Ebo Jager heater (submersibles). Don't waste your money on one of the cheap hang on heaters...they aren't worth a nickel.
Logan J
I think it won't cost you much more to do that and you'll be happier with the 20. A 10 really limits what you can keep.
Logan J
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