Newborn kittens!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 14, 2011
Slidell, La
On Monday, my cat finally had her kittens! So I thought it would be fun to start a thread so everyone can watch them grow.

Monday (a couple hours old, two still not born yet)

Today (Wednesday, 3 days old)


One next to a lighter for size comparison
You guessed it, lol. 6 adorable little kittens.

This might be a good place to get rid of your kittens when they're ready. Most people on this forum love animals. Lol
I love cats iv always grown up with them

I love them too. When I was little, we always had "barn cats" around, even though my mom is very much not a cat person. Despite that, we had quite a few mostly outdoor cats when I was young, and there were a few times I kind of sneaked a cat home later in life. One of my favorite cats was the kitten I brought home on the last day of my freshman year of high school - a teacher's cat had kittens, a friend took one, her mom said no way, so I walked to her house after school, got the cat, and walked home with it in my purse. Her name was Captain Jack (I have a history of being terrible at sexing young animals. I've gotten better, and I determined this litter is most likely 3 males and 3 females - although I once had a buck rabbit named Lolita, and only realized he was male after he attempted to mate with my head one day) and she was a total spaz. Sadly, my mother decided she would be ok in the garage when she evacuated for hurricane Katrina, although she took the dogs with her. She apparently made it out, as there were muddy pawprints all over the house, but the pressure changes busted open the door to the garage and she got out, and was never seen again. I was furious with my mom for ages over that. Funny thing is, my mom now has a stray she feeds and pets. She is kind of shared between my mom and the neighbors. They all call her by a different name, and she goes around and eats at everyone's house. Kind of funny.

I love dogs, but I am more of a cat person. I love their personalities and their independence. Also, the small size is nice. I prefer large breed dogs, and right now I don't have the room for one. It wouldn't be fair to the dog. And technically, any pet is not allowed where I live... Which is why I am looking to move very soon. My boyfriend and I have really realized how much we miss having mammals around, lol. I had a cat we gave up to move here, and while I miss her soooo much, he kind of hated her. She was a stray that didn't get the key socialization time with siblings or other cats, and was a bit neurotic and crazy. He has started to realize the joy of having cats now, though. Between Momma being such a cool cat and having "his" kitten dropped at his feet, he has gotten a bit attached.

BTW, of the four older kittens she brought us a while back, we are keeping two. My boyfriend's favorite is the girl that was dropped at his feet, who he named Ylla after a character in his favorite novel (The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury) and mine is the only male, who I named Corso after a character in one of my favorite novels (The Club Dumas, by Arturo Perez Reverte). I will try and get good shots of these two soon. They are around 12 weeks now. And adorable. And so active... I am not looking forward to when the itty bitty ones are so rambunctious... seeing as there are 6 of them.
Most people can't believe I like cats and fish

Yeah, it almost seems counterintuitive to have both... I have so far trained the older kitties that they do not want to mess with my fish. I hold them up to a tank, let them watch the fish, then dip their paws in. After a couple days of this, they recoil at being near the tanks. And just to be safe, my fish room where all my topless tanks are is shut off to them. No fishing allowed!
Sad, sad day. We lost the runt today. Momma had been hiding him in various places, and today she stashed him behind the litter box and by the time I got home from work he was very cold. I spent an hour trying to warm and feed him, but it was too late. He just wouldn't warm up, and he died in my hands around 5pm today.
Sad, sad day. We lost the runt today. Momma had been hiding him in various places, and today she stashed him behind the litter box and by the time I got home from work he was very cold. I spent an hour trying to warm and feed him, but it was too late. He just wouldn't warm up, and he died in my hands around 5pm today.

Oh no :(.

I'm so sorry! That's always tough.
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